9: A Tutor

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Maggie walked out of science class angrily when Mr Olsen told her grades weren't good and she should just bail science for art.
"You can't pass science with this bullshit grades, this are nothing, this are sidewalk counts. Look Maggie if you are going to pass in my class you'd need a tutor, I mean C'mon you are a senior already if you wanna go to college you've got to bucket those sneakers" Mr Olsen had given Maggie a long pep talk before she could come out to the hallway.

"Hey Claire, I want to cry in your arms" Maggie sobbed as she approached Clarisse.

"Keep your act together Maggie, tell me what happened?" Clarisse received her with a warm hug.

Maggie embraced the hug and sobbed on her friends shoulder.
"I want to go to college, and I need a tutor to pass science."

"Now mouth down Maggie do you wanna embarrass yourself? Will get you a tutor, don't worry." Clarisse frowned at the other kids that caught Maggie's attention.

"Am embarrassed already, and where the hell are we going to get a tutor?" She got out of Claire's firm hug. She looked up to her friends eyes waiting for a response. Failing, she didn't care but College, she cared a lot and she's got to not fail to get to college.

"Talk to your dad, he'd help you" Claire smiled looking back down to her friends eyes. They had a 1 feet height difference.

"I don't want to talk to him about it he'll just yell at me and I don't want an home tutor that will bore me out or try to rape me" Maggie lowered her voice as she notices the whole hallway was on her.
She hated her dad cuz he doesn't even care about helping her pass but only cares about seeing her report sheet with A's and B's.

"OK get someone in school that you know can tutor you brilliantly in science"

"Yeah, Mr Olsen said something about getting a nerd's help." Maggie looked around for people in spectacles.

"Yes sure you can ask for Tessa's help" Claire folded her arms.

Maggie squinted her face.

"Yeahhh unless you gave her the shame of the class forty minutes ago" Claire turned to her locker.

Maggie bit her lips and moved forwards to her own locker leaning back on it. "You know she won't give me a chance after that insult".

"Then go apologize, she'll forgive you am sure" Claire smiled at her as she closed her locker.

"You know I hate apologizing to unpopular kids, and besides I hate people with glasses." She sighed.

"Not all nerds wear glasses Maggie and still your dad wears one" Claire held three books of Maths on one hand and placed her free hand on Maggie's shoulder.

Maggie threw gum in her mouth "you know I hate him too, and nerds are always ugly"

Claire sighed and took her free hand off her friend to check the time. "Taylor's not ugly" She raised an eyebrow.

"I know but Taylor is more than a nerd she's everything, and she sure won't have time to tutor me"

"OK look I know that's your excuse for a charming boy who won't get you bored, so try Vega he's cute" Claire started to hurry towards class.

"What if he's boring?" Maggie called out.

Claire turned and walked backwards "I don't know, change him" she turned back and hurried into Math class.

Maggie sighed.


"Vega hey you wanna tell me something?" Ben asked as they dragged out of maths class.

"No, why?" Vega asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Uh yes I saw the way you went into a trance when Taylor came in to science class" Ben belched.

"Ew what you do that for?" Vega waved the smell in front of his nose away, avoiding the question.

"Ah sorry my aunt made breakfast" Ben rubbed his mouth. "So about tay—" Ben froze as Tessa passed smiling and some sort of winking at him.

Thank God.

"Did you see that she just winked at me" Ben stood looking back at Tessa who was now long gone. He sounded excited.

"Yeah I saw it" Vega lied hoping to change the subject.

They got to their lockers "Tessa does smell good and look beautiful." Ben looked back deep into the hallway hoping to catch a gaze of Tessa.

"Yes yes she does, and she does like you" Vega opened his locker smiling, he finally succeeded in changing the topic.

Ben kept nodding, looking round and rubbing his lips. "I think."

Vega closed his locker eyeing his friend in disgust. "Why are you doing that you didn't just get kissed, there's no lipstick on it." Vega gestured to Ben's action.

"Oh this sorry" Ben stopped and held his head to stop nudging.

"It's lunch time so—" Vega started.

"Dude Maggie's coming towards us" Ben exasperated.

"Hey guys sorry to bother you, I would just like to have a chat with Vega" Maggie's sweet and not annoyed voice said in front of them.

"Me?" Vega pointed towards his chest wearing a fan shirt with THE FLASH on it.

"yes you"

"Wow I never thought pretty girl could call me out for a chat" Vega smirked.

Maggie rolled her eye "would you keep it down you bullhead, am not here to flirt in your dorky way, am just here for a favor"

"Hey I wasn't flirting with you it's just a compliment cuz I think you're pretty, what's the favor?" Vega grinned.

"Well I can't say the same for you, nerdy nerd. I need you to tutor me" Maggie eyed Ben.

Vega packed his bag "No" and he walked away, Ben followed.

Maggie gasped, no one's ever said no to me, he looked charming at first but now he's just NO. "Hey wait, why?" Maggie called out.

"I didn't hear the magic word, were you taught?" Vega stopped in his tracks.

Ah so that's why he said no, what a nobody. "OK please can you tutor me" Maggie begged.

Vega smiled while Ben just nodded to Vega to say yes.

"He better say yes" Maggie mumbled.

"Still no but I'll think about it" He smirked and they both walked away.

Ah what a total wreck.

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