thirty eight

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"Why not?!"

"Because it doesn't look good." I complained to Christian, one of the models, who was trying to convince me to style his hair a certain why.

"Come on, Alex, it looks good!" He brushed his hair in two parts. 

I grabbed my comb and combed it over. "Christian, honestly, stop it." I laughed as he let out a long groan. 

It was my last shoot for Adidas and I was relieved, but not really. I was relieved because of the constant rush that I was being thrown into. But I wasn't so happy since it was my only source of income for the last few months. 

Today, I have styled every single male's hair. That would be around 20 and I was exhausted by the 10th. But everyone was so nice, and somewhat emotional, with me. Making me laugh and making time go by faster. It was a bittersweet day. 

"Hey, girly." Natalie walked in just as I finished Christian's hair and told him to 'get outta here.' 

"Hey." I offered her a small smile before she pulled me into a long, tight hug. 

"I'm going to miss working with you." She whispered in my ear. 

"Working?" I laughed. "Don't you mean sitting on the sofa while I'm fixing some guys hair?" 

"Shut up!" She pushed my by the shoulder before walking back out. 

As soon as Natalie left, David walked in. 

"Alexis." David smiled at me. 

Usually when someone says my full first name, I get goosebumps. And that 'someone' would be Louis. Hearing David say my name and not feeling any goosebumps, made a wave of sadness invade my chest. Thoughts started to pop in my mind. 

Is Louis here?

"Hey." I blankly said. 

I haven't seen him once today.

"Don't worry, you don't have to fix my hair again. Christian was the last one." David put his hands up jokingly. I laughed absentmindedly. 

I haven't heard anyone say his name today. 

"I'm sorry. What?" I had to ask since I wasn't paying attention. 

"I said Marcus wanted to see you outside." He restated. 

I cocked my head to the side. "Me? Why?" I started to panic. Marcus was the photographer and seen as 'the boss' but not really. If Marcus wanted to see me, it probably means I'm in trouble. "Does he not like how I styled someone's hair?" I brought my hand to my mouth and whispered. 

David instantly got serious. "Let's go see." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the styling room. 

My heart began to pound against my chest. Marcus doesn't have the greatest temper and he is pretty scary when he's upset. I started to think of every guy's hair I did today. They looked pretty good. I thought about the products I used. None of them left any residue. 

Once I was out the door, I was greeted with balloons and yelling. "SURPRISE!" 

My hands instantaneoulsy covered my mouth and my eyes started to water. "What's going on?" I managed to speak out. 

"It's a little surprise going away party, silly!" Natalie emerged out of the balloons and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Technically, you're not going away as in moving away but you are not going to be here anymore." Marcus came next to me and gave me a hug. "If that makes sense." We both laughed. 

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