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A small piece of folded up paper falls out of your locker when you open it. The paper, a cream-colored piece of stationary, lands gracefully on the laces of your shoe. As you bend over to pick it up, a heavy weight hits you from behind and you hear the laughter of your hyperactive best friend. "Jackson," you groan as you shove him off your back, "Stop jumping on me when I'm not looking. It's annoying."

"What's that?" He completely ignores your complaint as he zeroes in on the paper in your hand, "Is it a love letter? Can I read it?"

You pull your hand away as he starts to grab for the paper, "No. I haven't even read it."

"Read it. Read it. Then let me read it." He prods my shoulder with one hand while reaching for the paper with his other.

You unfold the paper, after smacking Jackson's hands away from you, and read the note aloud so that he can hear it, "Dear Y/N, Please come to the rooftop today after class." You study the note closely, "They signed the note secret admirer, so I guess that means I have to go find out who it is." The handwriting on the note looks familiar to you, but you can't remember where you've seen it.

Jackson grabs your wrist, "Let me see that." You give him an incredulous look, but hand him the note to study. He looks at the note for a few seconds and then says, "I don't like the look of this. Y/N, please don't go."

You shake your head and start to walk to class. "I'm going to go, but don't worry, I'll be careful! I'll probably end up rejecting them anyway, unless they're someone I know and like," you call out to him from over your shoulder.

You can hear Jackson mumble something before he dashes off in the opposite direction, but you shrug and head towards your class.

Class passes by and before you know it, you are on your way to the roof. When you finally make it to the the door, you push it open and see a figure lounging on one of the benches.

"Im Jaebum?" You stutter in confusion. Why would Im Jaebum, the school's famous bad boy, want to confess to you?

He turns and gives you an annoyed glare, "Okay, I'm here so please stop wasting my time."

Now this annoys you. You're not a pushover; I mean, your best friend is the pushy and loud Jackson Wang. You and Jackson bonded because you both were quite blunt; neither of you censored yourself much. You were aware of Im Jaebum's reputation for being extremely cold-hearted when rejecting confessions-something he has to do often given his very good looks-and his tendency to avoid anyone who wasn't one of his close friends. However, you were the one that was asked to come here, and he shouldn't be so rude to you.

You open your mouth to let him know just that, when you finally remember why you recognise the writing on the note. With a curse, you dash back towards the door to the roof and try to open it. As you expected, the door refused to budge, signaling that it had been blocked from the inside.

When you turn around, you face the black glare of one royally pissed off Im Jaebum. "Did you seriously lock us out here?" He growls darkly, "I don't want to waste my time so get your dumb friends to let us out."

"For your information, I don't want to be here anymore than you do." You snap while fishing the note out of your pocket, "I found this note in my locker this morning." I shove the open note in front of his nose, "I didn't realize it until just a second ago, but that's Song Ji Ha's handwriting. She's probably still pissed at me for refusing to stop talking to Jackson, because she wanted to date him. Like I was the reason Jackson didn't want to date that she-demon." Jaebum grabs the note out of my hand and pulls an identical note out of his pocket, "I guess she thought that you would get angry at me and beat me up or something... who does she think you are? You're a bad boy not a delinquent."

Jaebum falls silent while studying the two notes, so you continue to talk, "Well, don't worry about being stuck here long. My friend Jackson is waiting to walk home with me and knows that I was coming up here after school. He'll be coming to get us soon, I imagine."

"Sorry about how rude I was," he mumbles with a sour look, "I thought you were one of those psycho girl fans that follow me around. I was hoping you would go away if I was mean. I am Im Jaebum, but it seems you already know that."

"I am L/N F/N, nice to meet you Jaebum." You put your hand out for a shake and continue, "Is that why you pretend to be an asshole? So that the crazy fangirls will leave you alone?"

He does a double a double take, "Did you just call me an asshole?"

"No. I said that you act like an asshole to survive." You give him a sympathetic pat on the back, "I commend you for your efforts, but your face is always going to draw girls to you."

"So first you call me an asshole and then you tell me that I'm hot?" He gives you a small smile, "Are you sure, you're not here to confess to me?"

You give him a blank stare, "Did you just..." you trail off in shock, "Did you just smile? I didn't know that your face could do that! You should smile more often, it looks good." You give him a thumbs up.

"I..." Jaebum is cut off by the shrill ringing of your phone.

You fish the phone out of your backpack while shrugging sheepishly at Jaebum, "I forgot that I could just call Jackson," you peek at your phone and accept the call, "Hey Jackson, your psycho girlfriend decided to lock me on the roof with Im Jaebum. Please come let us out."

You hear Jackson crack up, "First of all: she's not my girlfriend. Also, I told you not to go didn't I? I'm on my way, but in return for saving you, you have to treat me to ice cream on the way home."

"Fine." You hang up on Jackson and turn back to Jaebum, "Jackson is on his way to save us."

Jaebum gives you a calculating look, "I heard. Ice cream sounds good. I'll come along."

"You don't hang out with anyone who isn't a close friend of yours. Especially not a girl." You give him a questioning glance, "Why would you want to go out for ice cream with Jackson and I?"

"Well maybe I want to earn the confession I was expecting earlier." He gives me a heart melting grin, "You're the first girl at this school that's actually interested me. I'm not afraid to go after what I want."

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