Shinee-Minho Pt 1

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You sigh as you are once again directed to your boyfriend's voicemail. Your boyfriend, Minho, is a very popular Kpop star who is currently busy preparing for his comeback with his group Shinee. It has been four days since he last responded to one of your texts and you're starting to get annoyed.

Yes, only starting to get annoyed. You were never a clingy girlfriend and you never really got jealous. It almost annoyed Minho how laidback and trusting you were of him, but four days of complete silence from him was starting to grate on you.

The screen of your phone lights up and you dive for it, expecting a response from your boyfriend. Instead you see a text from Onew about your plans this weekend. Another reason why the silent treatment from your boyfriend was bothering you was because you are talking to the other boys of Shinee a lot. You know that they aren't too busy to be on their phones because Onew and Key are constantly texting you about going to karaoke with them—which you have agreed to join them this weekend.

You have asked the Taemin if Minho seems angry at you or if something is wrong and they have all responded that Minho doesn't seem bothered. So for the past few days you have been sending him messages and calling him, but have not visited him, because you did not want to disturb his hard work.

Your phone lights up again. It's Onew again, asking if you wanted him to pick you up and take you to karaoke. Finally, you lose your patience and decide to call Onew.

He answers in three rings with a cheery voice and you immediately say, "It has been four days since Minho last spoke to me. You would tell me if something is wrong, right?"

I can almost feel Onew tense up, "He hasn't called you in four days? But just yesterday he was on the phone and talking all cutesy." As he realizes what he just unintentionally suggested, he backtracks, "But Minho is a great guy and he would never cheat so please just don't react without letting him explain himself!"

You give a strained laugh, but remain calm. As said earlier, you're a laid back person. You aren't one to assume things and you definitely weren't planning on ruining your loving relationship with Minho without giving him a chance to explain himself. "Of course I will Onew. Thanks for letting me know. I think I'll come down and visit him now so that we can figure out this situation. Is that alright?"

There is a moment of silence before he says, "Of course you can! The boys will be super happy to see you, we've all missed you!"

You tease him, "You forgot that I couldn't see you and nodded, didn't you?"

"I'm hanging up now. See you soon." He dodges the question with a flustered tone and hangs up, proving that you were correct. You laugh as you grab your purse and throw in your phone and wallet. Once you have everything you need, you lock the door to your apartment and head towards the subway station nearest to you.

While you are waiting for the train, you see your boyfriend on the front page of a tabloid magazine with the words "Choi Minho's new girlfriend?" and a picture of your boyfriend and a beautiful girl getting cozy at a coffee shop. You take a photo of the front cover—because you need evidence if you want to confront someone—but don't bother reading it. You'll get the story from the main source; your boyfriend better have a really good explanation for you.

You finally arrive at their practice studio and Taemin meets you in the front with a stricken look on his face, "I swear we have never seen her before today. If I had known, I would have told you. I never even thought that he could have been ignoring you because he was with someone else. We are completely on your side, Key had to stop Onew from hurting Minho when he brought her in..."

You cut off his nervous ramble with a sharp, "So she's here too? Perfect. Best to get the story from all the involved parties." Your calm demenor seems to scare Taemin a bit, or maybe it's the enraged merciless look in your eyes. He follows you like a lost puppy as you walk purposely into the practice room.

As you were told, the same beautiful girl from the magazine was sitting in the chair you normally sat in as your boyfriend leans towards her while laughing. As soon as you walk through the door, Onew is by your side clearly fuming as he glares at the pair of beautiful people flirting on the other side of the room.

You, on the other hand, are completely blank faced. To you, cheating is one of the most disgusting and disrespectful things that a person can do. You had told Minho in the beginning of your relationship that cheating was unforgivable to you and that if he ever cheated you would break up with him immediately. You still plan on letting him explain himself, but you can feel yourself losing your temper the more you watch them joke around.

The girl notices you first and has the decency to look horrified. Minho, noticing her blatantly terrified face, follows her gaze to you. His face drops as he sees you watching him flirt, "Y/N, what are you doing here? You should have called before you came."

You let out a dry laugh, "I did. I called you and you didn't answer." He opens his mouth to defend himself, but you cut him off, "I've been calling you for the past four days and you haven't been answering. So I called Onew and he said that I could come. He also said that he thought you had been calling me because of how much you were on the phone talking cutely with a girl. Then he told me that you were a great guy and that everything must be a misunderstanding, so he told me to come down here and talk to you before I do anything too reckless." You grab Onew's shoulder to try to calm him down, because his glare had just gotten darker—if that is possible. "Then on the subway I saw a lovely article about you and your new girlfriend and when I arrive here I am met by a panicking Taemin telling me that the girl is inside. Then when I walk inside I see my boyfriend and the mysterious lady friend flirting." Minho's face had lost all its color through your little speech and you finish with, "You have approximately a minute to explain yourself before I loose my temper. And I promise you, that won't be pretty."

The girl looks at Minho, seemingly waiting for him to explain and he sighs, "I'm sorry Y/N. I am dating Ji Ha now. I have no excuse for my actions. I am sorry that I cheated on you instead of just telling you, but I didn't want to hurt you. Please leave now."

After his words the practice room becomes hectic. Onew lunges for Minho with a snarl and Key and Jonhyung try to hold him back. Taemin runs to you and trys to comfort you, but you're not crying. You're staring at the girl, Ji Ha, as she looks at Minho with a look of pity. A look of sisterly pity. Something is not right here, you can tell. Minho looks like he was the one who was just dumped instead of you and the girl actually seemed disappointed with Minho's response.

But no matter how odd the pair were acting, you can't stop yourself from loosing you temper. You walk up to Minho and slap him across the face and say, with a scarily calm tone, "I'm assuming you know that we can't be friends, and that you are not invited to any of the activities that I will plan with the rest of the boys." You walk up to Onew, "We're still on for karaoke this weekend okay. Don't you dare cancel on me. I don't know if you know, but my boyfriend cheated on me." Your voice is filled with sarcastic venom. "Well at least now I know to stop wasting my time texting him. I'm already used to not seeing him so nothing is really changing." Onew nods, "I'm going to go. I'll see you on Saturday."

As you walk out you can hear the boys screaming at Minho and, you think, the sound of someone crying. The sadness that you didn't feel earlier hits you as you make your way to the subway and tears start to make their way down your face without your permission. You hear a female voice shout your name and turn. Ji Ha gives you same pitiful look as she gave Minho and says, "There is way more to this story. Please don't hate Minho. When he finally decides to tell you the real story, give him a chance."

You look at her, your tears nearly blinding you as they continue to flow like rivers down your cheeks, "I don't know if I can promise that."

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