EXO-Sehun Pt 2

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"Sehun." You finish quietly, "I'm sorry Chanyeol, but I've kind of liked him for a very long time and..." You're cut off by a bear hug from Sehun.

He gives you a heart melting grin, his poker face abandoned, "Thank you so much f/n. I promise I will make sure you have the best time ever." You look over Sehun's shoulder to see Chanyeol walking away slowly. "Don't worry, f/n," Sehun grabs your face and faces it towards him, "Chanyeol falls in love easily and gets over love easily. He'll be crushing on a different girl in a few days and will probably become a close friend of yours."

You give him a questioning look, "How could you know he'll become a close friend of mine? We don't talk and I just rejected him. It doesn't seem likely."

"He's going to have to learn how to get along with my girlfriend if he wants lunch to not be awkward," he gives you another breathtaking smile, "By the way, you should stop eating alone. Come sit with me from now on. Though you'll have to entertain me, I just lost my lunchtime entertainment."

You blush and ask, "What was your lunchtime entertainment?"

"You." He looked away from you, but you could see the small tint of red on his cheeks, "I've liked you for quite a while, but I was too scared to tell you. I didn't want to be rejected." He looked back at you, "But now you've accepted me and I want to take you on a date." He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door, "Let's go. I don't want to wait another minute."

He leads you towards a café on the edge of campus. "This place has the best bubbletea in the world," he gushed happily, "I've been wanting to take you here since I noticed you months ago."

You order and find a seat at a table by the window. "You noticed me months ago? Why?"

He grinned at you, "I saw you drinking bubbletea and helping a freshman who was lost. You seemed so happy and kind and I immediately wanted to know more about you. Why did you like me? Was it just because of how cool I seemed?" He asked referencing my earlier rant about liking someone.

My face, once again, colors into a blush, "I think it was because of how quiet and mysterious you seem in class, but how cutesy you can be when you're comfortable with your friends. I saw you hanging out with them once and it was like a completely different person. I started liking you then."

His face turned red as he hesitantly asked, "Which side of me do you like the best?"

"I like the person you are around the people you love. That's the real you and that's the version of you that made me think of you in this way," you mumble with a blush, "Even if I did like the mysterious one better, I would still rather you be happy and comfortable with me."

The waiter delivers your bubbletea and gives Sehun a flirty smile. "Just ask me if you need anything else," she directed towards Sehun, "I hope you enjoy your drink."

Sehun gave her a cold glare and grabbed my hand on the table, "My girlfriend and I will don't worry. You can go now."

"Why'd you do that?" You give Sehun an oblivious look, "She was just doing her job? Why were you being so cruel to her." After a second of thought you burst out, "Was she flirting with you? In front of me?"

Sehun's laugh was beautiful and he gave you a large smile as he sipped his bubbletea, "I'm so glad that you chose me." 

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