Got7-JB Pt 2

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Jackson slammed the door to the roof open with an 'I told you so' expression firmly on his face, "Who told you that the letter seemed like a trick? Who said you shouldn't go? You owe me ice cream for being stupid and ignoring me."

You give him a mock glare, "Who's fault is it that that evil mitch (mitch meaning bitch if you catch my drift :P) is attacking me in the first place? She only hates me because you don't love her. Maybe you should pay for ice cream."

"I'll pay for ice cream," Jaebum's smooth voice interrupted the impending playful argument, "Since I am kind of tagging along last minute." You look over to see him shooting you a small smile, "As long as I am still invited."

Jackson's confused glance towards you was met by a shrug of your shoulders and a slight blush. "Of course, you can still come Jaebum," you shoot him a small smile, "Right Jackson?"

"Actually, I forgot I have to go let my fish out," Jackson shoots you a smirk as he speaks, "You guys should just go get ice cream without me. Have an awesome time!" With that, he practically sprints from the rooftop away from us as you shoot daggers at his back. It was clear that, as usual, Jackson was trying to play matchmaker.

Jaebum bit his lip in what looked like disappointment, "I'm sorry I ran your friend away. I should have known that he didn't want to hang out with me."

You head snapped towards him as he tried to hide his hurt expression. "Don't be stupid," you basically shout. His eyes widen in shock as you stomp closer to him, "Jackson wasn't running away because he was scared of you. Jackson isn't like that and he would stereotype you like that." Jaebum opened his mouth to argue and you sigh in embarrassment, "He was trying to set us up. He likes to do that to me when he thinks I like guys. So don't worry. Jackson doesn't hate you. If he hated you, he wouldn't have left us alone."

Jaebum's hurt expression transformed into a smug smile. "He does that when he thinks you like someone?" He teased, "So that would mean that he thinks you like me. Is he right? Do you have a crush on me?"

You can feel your face turning red so you desperately try to change the subject, "You promised to buy me ice cream. Let's go." Without thinking, you grab him by the wrist and start to lead him through the school. When you notice what you are doing you let go, but he quickly grabs you hand and interlocks your hands.

You can feel the eyes of your fellow students staring at your intertwined hands and can hear their whispers as they try to understand the situation. Jaebum nudges you and gestures towards the girl who started it all, Song Ji Ha. "Shall I convince her to leave you alone?" he whispers conspiratorially, "I won't even do anything bad, I swear. She's terrified of me. It will just take a few words and she'll never mess with you again."

"I don't want you to get into trouble or to waste your time on an idiot like that," you mumble back, "I can deal with her by myself. She's not that smart, I mean, you saw what her version of a cruel prank was."

His lip turn into a small but mischievous smile, "I really want to though. It sounds like fun. I promise I won't do anything to get you into trouble, just play along." He winks then leads you straight towards Ji Ha, whose eyes widen as she sees you approaching. "Song Ji Ha," Jaebum's voice booms through the hallway angrily, "I hear you've been trying to play tricks on my beautiful girlfriend. Is that true?"

Her face seems to lose all color as he speaks and she stammers out, "Your girlfriend? When did you guys start dating?"

"We've been dating for a little while. So you can imagine my surprise when a confession letter left in my locker ends up being from her," he shoots you a small wink before continuing, "As cute as I thought it would be to see her confess again, she wasn't willing to. The letdown has put me in a bad mood, so I sure hope that no one else decides to mess with me or my girlfriend ever again or I can't be held responsible for my actions."

Ji Ha's mouth was flapping open and closed like a fish out of water as Jaebum leads you away. "Oh, and stop thinking that she's with Jackson," he shouted over his shoulder, "Or you'll find that jealousy doesn't suit me any better that annoyance."

You manage to make it out of the school before you both burst into laughter. "Did you see her face?" you wheeze out between bouts of laughter, "She looked like you had poured ice water over her head and then smacked her. That was hilarious."

Jaebum's eyes were turning into half crescents as he laughed and you couldn't help but notice how cute he looked. His eyes met yours while you were staring and his smile slid off of his face. "The whole school is going to think that we're dating," he says with a small smile, "We might as well make that true. Don't you think?"

Your cheeks turn red but you give him a confident smile, "Well you do owe me ice cream. I guess if dating you means I get that ice cream, then it can't be all bad." He rolls his eyes at you and you shrug, "My best friend is the king of sass. It's ingrained into me."

His grin was blinding, "I'm just going to take that as a yes and assume that we are about to go on our first date of many."

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