BTS-Jimin Pt 1.

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How did you end up here? You ask yourself as you work towards unraveling the ropes binding your wrists. How did you manage to get involved in something like this? It's the boy's fault, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Speaking of the boy, he was starting to wake up.

"What is happening?" you whisper frantically at the dazed boy, "Who are those people? Who are you? Why did they take me?"

The only response he gave was a pained groan. His orange hair seemed to reflect the light from the single window high above us as he swung his head back and forth. After what seems like hours, his head stops swinging and stares directly at you. "How long have you been awake?"

"Answer my questions. I don't have any idea what's happening and why I also got taken, but you need to tell me what the hell is going on before I lose my mind," you whisper frantically.

He looks at you with a stone hard expression, "All you need to know is that they will probably hurt you to get me to talk, and I am not planning on talking. You just need to endure until my friends come and save us."

"If I wasn't tied up, I would be the one torturing you," you respond. He doesn't respond.

"You could at least try to escape, you psycho." When he doesn't even glance at you, you return to your task of freeing your hands. It was clear that whoever tied your wrists had vastly underestimated you—you had grown up with three brothers, and they thought tying you up was hilarious. You can feel the rope loosening due to your fidgeting.

As you continue to fidget, you look around the room you're in. Clearly, we are in a warehouse of some sort and the only viable escape routes are the door and the window. Since it seems unlikely that your captors will allow you to simply walk out the door, you decide that your best chance is to climb onto a crate and pull yourself through the window.

You look at the boy, "Can you at least tell me where you think we are? Are we still in Seoul?"

"We are most likely in the Warehouse district in Seoul. Stop trying, you're not going to be able to untie yourself. These people are really good at what they do." He gives you the same blank face.

You give him a smug smile as your ropes finally come loose, "Is that so?" You make a show of stretching your now free arms, "I guess I won't even try on my legs then?"

You savor the expression of surprise on his face, then begin untying your legs. Within minutes, your legs are free and you begin to pull one of the crates towards the window.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" You hear the boy say from his chair.

You don't even look back, "They're probably going to torture you for information, but you're just going to have to bear it until your friends come."

"You'll never make it out of here without me. A crate isn't tall enough to get you to the window. I can climb up there and then pull you up." You look at the window and let out a quiet curse; he's right. You are too short to reach the window.

You sigh, "Okay, but tell me your name."

"Why?" He looks annoyed, "Why does my name matter?"

"Because I want to know who to haunt if I end up dying trying to escape something I had nothing to do with." You say as you work on untying his hands.

You hear a small laugh, "My name is Jimin. I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen; I don't need an annoying girl like you haunting me. Ouch. Did you just pinch me?"

"Oops." You say innocently, "I missed the rope." You succeed in freeing him, "Okay now let's get out of here please."

He walks over to the crate and manages to grab the window. You watch his arm muscles flex as he pulls himself up onto the window ledge, "The window is locked, I'm going to have to break it. Hold on a second and watch out for falling glass."

He smashes the glass and almost immediately the door crashes open. Jimin gives you an apologetic look and disappears through the open window. Within seconds, you are tied to the chair—properly this time. The leader comes into the room enraged, but you can't help but notice how attractive he is, "How could you let Jimin escape. Jaebum is going to have all of you killed, and then I have to deal with his bad attitude."

"We're sorry, Jackson."

He throws a punch at the man that spoke, "You should be sorry." He catches sight of you, "Who is this? Why is there a random girl here?"

A different grunt speaks up, "She was walking down the street with Jimin, sir. We thought we could use her against him, but he left her here without looking back. She was also untied when we got in here, so he at least untied her."

The leader, Jackson, turns towards you, "So Jimin cares enough to try to untie you? How do you know that little crap? Did you even know about this part of his life?"

You glare at him, "Jimin and I met for the first time when we woke up here. I was walking to my car alone when your stupid grunts attacked me. Also, I don't like that you assume that he freed me. For your information, your grunts half-assed my bindings and I helped that little crap."

Jackson looks surprised, "Did you just admit that you freed him? You know that now we aren't going to leave you alone? You just blew any chance of escaping you had."

"They tied it right this time, so I had no chance anyway, and I can't stand sexism. It's ridiculous that you assume the boy saved the girl." You shake your head at him, "You should have at least asked instead of assuming. I bet you assume that he was the one who told me to try to escape, or that he tried to help me."

Jackson opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "I'll tell you that he didn't. He told me that you guys were going to torture me until he told you something and also that he wasn't planning on telling you. Then he ignored me and refused to answer any of my questions. I honestly hope you catch him bro."

"Did you just call him bro?" You look over at the door to see a tall boy standing by a pile of unconscious grunts, "Was Jimin really that rude to you?"

Jackson grins as he notices the boy and pulls out a knife, "Perfect timing V." The knife glints as it slices down towards you. You close your eyes until the ropes on your legs loosen. Jackson then starts to cuts the ropes on your wrist, "I'll pretend you came up behind me and knocked me out. Get this girl out of here. I think this was successful in cementing our rivalry." He gives you a wink, "Don't tell on us, okay."

V sighs, "She knows a lot now Jackson. RapMon is going to want to talk to her." He looks over at me, "Let me carry you out; it'll be more believable. Then I have to take you to my leader."

"If you come any closer I'll punch you." You back away and put your hands up in a fighting position, "I had brothers, so don't doubt that I know how to defend myself."

"Jimin will be with my leader. If you come with me, I'll let you punch him." He steps closer.

"No. Stay away from me." You take a few steps back.

"I'll buy you food. You must be hungry." A few more steps.

"Dude seriously back off." You back up until you back hits a wall, "Oh no you did not just back me into a wall."

He gives you an adorable rectangular smile, "Actually, you backed yourself into a wall." Then he lunges at you and throws you over his shoulder, "I will let you hit Jimin."


"Yep." He gives me another infectious smile, "So where do you want to drive through? Should we get McDonalds or what?"

You sigh in defeat, "I can get whatever I want from McDonalds? And you promise I am not going to die?"

"Anything you want."

You hit his back with your palm, "Why didn't you answer my second question." He stays silent. "Hey. V. Answer you idiot. Answer me!"

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