EXO-Chanyeol Pt 2

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You are cut off by Chanyeol throwing you over his shoulder and shouting, "I don't care, she's mine." He carried you away, ignoring the protests being thrown at him by Sehun.

"What are you doing?" you shouted as he carried you out of the dorm, "Where are you taking me? Chanyeol people are staring. Stop it! Put me down!" All you could hear in response was the high-pitched giggles of the elvish boy carrying you.

You could see the other students staring at you with openly curious stares and some took out their phones to take photos of the two of you. He carried you through the main square of the campus while waving to his friends as they walk by. His friends give you an apologetic glance before they walk away. The only person that tried to help you was Kyungsoo, who simply asked, "Chanyeol, why are you kidnapping that girl?"

Chanyeol responded easily, "I'm competing with Sehun for her heart so I'm taking her on a date." His expression turned semi-serious, "I don't want to lose her to anyone. I really like her."

Kyungsoo gave him an exasperated look, "But kidnapping her isn't the answer Chanyeol. She's probably embarrassed being carried through the campus. You should think more about her feelings. Also your fangirls will see this and decide to harass her."

You feel Chanyeol's huge hand muss up your hair gently, "I'll protect her from the girls, and when we date she'll have to get used to me doing stuff like this." He gave a cheesy smile, "I'm not the most predictable person."

"If you put me down, I'll go with you I swear," you cut in, "Just please put me down."

Chanyeol peers up into your face with a small grin, "I don't believe you, and I'm enjoying this too much to put you down. Now everyone will know that you're mine."

You give Kyungsoo a pleading look, "Please help me." He gives you an apologetic smile before turning away from you, "No come back." He doesn't turn around, "Please. Help me."

Chanyeol's elvish laugh cuts off whatever else you were going to say as he continues walking towards his mystery destination, "I promise you're going to like it. Just relax. The more you struggle, the more attention you draw to us."

"I hate you," you mumble with a pout, "I can't believe I was going to choose you over Sehun." You're too busy pouting to notice that Chanyeol stopped dead in his tracks. You continue to mumble to yourself, "I mean it makes no sense. Why did I pick you over my crush? He's so cool and in the few hours I've known you, you've tackled me and kidnapped me."

Chanyeol's voice was quiet and tentative, "You were going to pick me over Sehun? Really?" You felt him putting you gently onto your own feet and then he captured your eyes with his unusually delicate eyes, "You were actually going to give me a chance? Why?"

You're face immediately lights up with a bright red blush, "I don't know, idiot. You're the one that offered the option. You seemed pretty confident that I would choose you."

"I didn't think you actually would," he muttered, "I thought I would have to take you before you could reject me. I thought it was my only chance." After a pause, he bit his lip before continuing, "I could tell from how your friend reacted. That you liked Sehun. I was sure that you would pick him. I was also sure that I didn't want to lose."

Quickly, to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between you and the shell shocked Chanyeol, you say, "You said you were taking me somewhere. Shall we go?"

His smile was almost blinding, "It's a restaurant off the campus. It is one of my favorite restaurants ever, and no one really knows about it. My friends and I started going there when we realized that none of the fangirls went there."

You respond with a shy smile, "It sounds wonderful, but please let me walk there or I will probably curse at you again."

"Promise?" His mischievous grin made your heart jump, "I actually think that it's incredibly adorable when you curse at me."

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