EXO-Chanyeol vs Sehun

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A loud laugh interrupted the silence of the small bookstore. You are sitting in the hidden back corner of the rustic place completely immersed in the old book in front of you, when the laugh breaks your focus. Your head swings towards the offending sound and wy-five minutes to get ready but soon enough, youthe perpetrator is none other than Chanyeol, one of your university's most attractive students.

Everyone knew about him and his friends, and they took advantage of it. The teachers favored them and they were able to get away with anything. You let out a groan, sure you thought he was insanely attractive, but this bookstore was your favorite because it was quiet. Chanyeol may not be as loud as his friend Baekhyun, but where he went girls followed, and his fan girls were unbelievably loud.

Almost on cue, a group of girl burst through the door with a chorus of squeals. Before you can identify any of the girls, something knocks you off of your chair and onto the ground. Something heavy lands on top of you and you let out a low groan. Immediately a hand covers your mouth and eyes and you hear, "Please don't say anything. I really don't want them to find me."

Thankfully, whoever had knocked you over hadn't taken his hand away from your mouth because you began to curse at his like a sailor, something you picked up from your older brother. The large palm on your mouth managed to muffle the indignant cursing, so you licked it. When that didn't get him to release you, you began to curse once again. You hear a quiet chuckle and the sound of the fangirls leaving the bookstore.

As soon as the bell on the door rang, signaling the exit of the crazy girls, the hand disappeared from your mouth and your curse words were released at full volume. Your eyes sprung open and you shouted, "What kind of monster are you? How is it possible that your hands are as big as my face? Do you want to die? How dare you tackle me..."

You pause as you register the person hovering above you with his face inches from yours. Chanyeol gave you a sheepish smile, "I didn't know you were here. I was trying to hide from the girls. They won't leave me alone."

Your mouth drops open, "Chan-Chanyeol?" You stutter out of shock. Of course you would be nervous, you have a crush on his best friend Sehun, but quickly your anger overwhelms your shock and you go back to chastising him, "But you could have let me up immediately. Why did you hold me down and cover my entire face like that? That was so rude of you."

His sheepish smile turns mischievous, "I only meant to cover your mouth. It's not my fault that your face is so small." He takes both of his giant hands and squish your cheeks, "So cute and tiny."

"Don't squish my cheeks," you say with a blush, "And it's not that my face is small. Your hands are just too large. It's abnormal. Also, can you get off me? You're heavy."

Chanyeol gives you a fake insulted pout, "Are you calling me fat? I don't want to. I'm comfortable, and if I get off you, you'll just leave and stop talking to me. What's your name? Do you go to my University?" You give him a small glare and he pinches one of your cheeks lightly, "So cute. How are you even cuter when you're angry?"

"I'm not cute. I'm scary. Get off me. Be scared," you say as ferociously as you can—which isn't very ferocious—and when he laughs you give him an even angrier glare which only makes him laugh harder. "Stop laughing at me," you whine, "and seriously, get off. You're too heavy. I can't breathe."

He sighs heavily and rolls off you, "You're no fun. You didn't even answer any of my questions. Who are you? Do you go to my university? Don't ignore my questions." You give him your own mischievous grin and he gives you a warning glance, "I don't like that look. Whatever you're thinking about doing, don't do it. Just answer my questions."

Before he had finished his sentence, you took off running, shouting behind you, "I don't listen to people who tease me." You stuck your tongue out and flipped him the bird before dashing out of the bookstore and mixing into the crowd on the street. You didn't stop running until you made it into your dorm room.

You slam the door loudly and your roommate turns towards you with a gasp, "F/n, why are you panting like that? What happened? Are you alright? You look like you've been attacked."

"I was tackled to the ground by Park Chanyeol. He was running from his fangirls and then ran into me. Then he was teasing me and I lost my temper and decided to tease him back by running away and not giving my name when he asked."

My friend gave me a blank stare, "So you're telling me that one of the most attractive guys in the school wanted to know your name and you didn't tell him. Are you an idiot?" Her hand smacked up to her forehead, "You are literally the most oblivious person in the world. You could have befriended him and then he would have introduced you to Sehun."

You widen your eyes in shock and point you finger at her accusingly, "That's not right!" You open the door and storm out of the dorm room with your roommate on your heels, "You shouldn't be friends with someone simply to get closer to someone else." You spin back towards her, "Imagine how Chanyeol would feel if I did that. I would never. I would rather never speak to..."

"That's so sweet of you," a familiar male voice said amusedly, "but now that I know you won't do that, we can be friends." You spin and look in shock at the tall elf-like boy standing in front of you. "You know I'm an athlete, right? You're not that fast," he snickers at you, "But now I have another question. Who would you use me to get to know? Do you like one of my friends?"

Your face turns bright red and he laughs, wiping sweat from his forehead. "I don't like any of your friends," you rush out, "why would I like any of them. I don't know them and personality is the most important factor in any relationship. I wouldn't crush on a stranger, no matter how cool he seems." You end with a convincing smile, which actually seemed more like a pained grimace.

You hear another laugh, this one quiet and coming from behind you, "You're not very good at lying, are you?" The voice was quiet and unfamiliar to you, but your roommate seemed to recognize it and her eyes widened.

You were met with the dark hair and eyes of your crush when you turned, Oh Sehun was standing right in front of you with a small smirk replacing his usual poker face. Your face immediately lights up even redder, "No I'm not. You don't know me, how could you say that?"

"Well maybe you should tell me your name so I can get to know you then," Chanyeol basically whined, "And tell me who you like so I can keep you away from them."

Sehun looked at Chanyeol with his poker face back in place, "Why would you keep them away from her? Why wouldn't you help her get them?"

Chanyeol looked straight at you with a serious expression on his face, "I like her. I want her to like me. I don't want her to date anyone else." Your face immediately became red again as Chanyeol stepped closer, "I want to know your name love. Will you tell me?"

"If F/n doesn't like you then you should leave her alone," Sehun burst out, "Don't push your feelings on her. She's too nice to reject you."

"F/n?" Chanyeol's face dropped as he looked at you, "You're f/n?" His whole body seemed to deflate slightly before his face set, "I don't care Sehun. I like her. I'm sorry, but I can't hold back. I don't care if I have to compete with you."

Sehun's eyes hardened and his mouth twisted down into a glare. You couldn't help but to admire how handsome he was, even when angry. "She doesn't like you. She likes one of your friends. I'm one of your friends."

Chanyeol's face also seemed to tighten and you found yourself admiring how handsome he was as well, "At least I have the guts to confess to her instead of watching her for months and months. Why would she want to date a coward?"

The atmosphere was getting very intense and confrontational and you didn't really understand what they were arguing about, so you decided to leave them to their argument. As soon as you began to move away, however, Sehun caught you by the wrist and pulled you towards him. "I like you." He announced with his signature poker face, "Don't date Chanyeol. Date me. I like you."

Chanyeol grabbed your other wrist and pulled you away from Sehun, "Pick me. Don't listen to him and just come with me. Please." He looked into your eyes with a puppy dog pout.

You give both of them a quick glance before hesitantly saying, "I think I like..."

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