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You had no idea what happened, one minute you were slowly making your way towards the train platform to go home and the next you found yourself splayed on the ground without your cane in your hand. All you heard was an annoyed voice saying, "What where you're going," before, you assumed, the person disappeared back into the crowd.

You snap your head towards the voice out of reflex, but are met with only a sea of darkness. Two years ago, you had been involved in a car accident and had lost your eyesight. You had pretty much adjusted to the life of a blind teenager, but you weren't able to stop some of the small habits—like looking towards a voice.

The small curse you let out is sadder rather than angry. You had been trying to prove to your parents that you could still be independent even though you were blind by taking the train to and from school by yourself, and now they were never going to believe it. You start to pat the ground around you, hoping to feel the familiar grip of your cane when the voice from earlier spoke again, "Get up. You didn't fall that hard, stop whining."

Your spirits raised, there was someone here that could help you. You ignored his rude tone and uncaring remarks and asked hopefully, "Do you see my cane? It's silver with red stripes. It should be around here somewhere."

You continue to pat around as you don't receive a response from the stranger. Minutes pass and you assume that he left. You can feel tears of both fear and frustration welling up. "Please can someone help me," you cry, "I can't find my cane. Please help me."

"Stop freaking out. It rolled under the dumpster, I'm just trying to get it," the cold stranger muttered, "You're staring right at me. I'm sorry you're injured but you need to chill out."

You give your best glare in the direction you think the voice is coming from, "I'm not injured, you idiot. I'm blind. I can't see you or anything for that matter." After a second of thought you curse and press the button on your watch. An electronic voice speaks from your watch saying, "Four Thirty-three. Four Thirty-three."

You curse under your breath. Your train had left at four thirty and you hadn't thought to check the other times. Biting your lip, you decide you have no other choice, "Do you know when the next train leaves? I was trying to take the one at four thirty."

His voice sounded softer, almost guilty, "The next one going in that direction comes in twenty minutes from a different platform. (yes it doesn't really make sense but just go with it >.<) I almost have your cane, just wait a little bit longer."

You let out another curse, you had barely made it to this platform and you only vaguely knew the layout of this station. "I can take you there once we get your cane," his offer came out of nowhere, "It is my fault that you missed it in the first place."

"No," you reject out of pride even though you know you need help, "I'm sure you have to go catch your own train. I'll be okay. Finding my cane is enough of an apology."

The familiar metal of your cane in placed in your hand. "I got it," he says happily, "and it's no problem because I was also trying to catch the four thirty train, so I already going there. At least let me accompany you there because I am going there anyway." You feel his hands on you shoulders, steadying you as you try to stand, "I'm Min Yoongi by the way."

You give him a shy smile, "Hi Yoongi-ssi. I am F/n L/n. Thank you for helping me today." One of his hands move to your upper back as he starts to guide you towards the correct platform. "So how old are you Yoongi? You sound like you're my age."

"I'm twenty one, how about you?" He responds. You let out a small gasp, he's a whole three years older than you. You were only eighteen. When you tell him your age, he chuckles quietly and you blush. You don't want to say it, but you thought that he sounded very attractive.

He has a deep and husky voice that is very easy to listen to. You can't really tell but you think you're probably blushing. "What do you look like?" you ask timidly, "I'm just curious."

"I'm pretty average honestly," he says with a chuckle, "be careful, there are stairs. I dyed my hair mint green because of a dare and my friends call me Suga because my skin is as pale as sugar. Other than that, my face is pretty average. Okay the steps are done, and we're taking a left. I have a pretty scrawny body but I am pretty in shape, I play basketball."

You nod, "I loved the color mint green. I wish I could see your hair, it sounds really pretty." You sigh wistfully, "I was thinking about dying my hair before I..." you trail off uncomfortably as you realize what you were about to say. You tried not to talk about the accident because of how uncomfortable it made other people. You had come to terms with it, but most people preferred to not hear about it, especially strangers.

"We're taking a right," he leads you on in silence for a minute before tentatively offering, "You could talk to me about it if you want to. You don't have to of course, but it might make you feel better."

You wave your free hand is dismissal, "It was two years ago, I have accepted it. I just don't like making people uncomfortable. My mom was driving me home and we got hit by a drunk driver. Thankfully it wasn't that bad of an accident, but my head was thrown and it messed up my neck. When I woke up, all I could see was black."

"Is that it? There is nothing that they can do to give you back your sight?" He asked gently. He was clearly curious but scared of offending you.

You shrug your shoulders, "There is the crazy expensive surgery that isn't worth the money it costs. My parents wanted to take out loans to pay it, but I told them that I would rather be blind than have to watch them suffer through the debt that would cause." Silence falls after you talk and you backtrack, "Sorry, I got ahead of myself. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, you're just easy to talk to Yoongi."

You hear a small laugh that makes your heart pound, "Okay we're here, and you're the first person to ever say anything like that to me. Most people find me argumentative and cold. I don't have many friends because of that." You reach you hand towards where you think he is and he amusedly asks, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I want to feel your face," you pout, "I think you're lying to me about how you look. You don't sound average."

Warm hands grab yours and guide them down. "I am definitely shorter than you think I am. I'm only a few centimeters taller than you. I also take offense to your statement. How could you call me ugly?" You could tell he was not actually offended by the adorable smile you feel under your hands. You could feel his fine features and adorable nose as you slowly moved your hands around his face.

You know you're blushing as you mutter, "You feel handsome. I think mint hair probably looks really good on you. I wish I could see it."

You felt the warm hands rip your hands away from his hands. "The trains here," he says hurriedly, "Let's get on. What stop are you getting off at?"

"Clearfield," you mutter sadly. It was clear that he had not liked the way you were talking and you felt bad that you had made him so uncomfortable. He helps you step onto the train and starts leading you towards an open seat.

His voice was relaxed as he answered with a cheerful, "Me too. Can I walk you home?" When you cock your head in confusion, he explained, "I want to know where to find you. You said you wanted to see me mint hair? I'll dye it back to mint when you get the surgery to fix your eyesight so you can see it."

Your face twists into even more confused expression, but before you can question him, the train jolts into motion and throws you against his chest. His arms wrap around you to steady you and you can feel his muscles through the thin shirt he is wearing. "I told you I'm not going to get the surgery. I don't want my parents to pay for it."

"I know about charities and things that will help you pay for it. In return, all I ask is that you give me a chance," he said nervously, "I think you're really cool and pretty. I want to be around you. Will you go on a date with me?"

You give him a wide grin and answer, "Of course I will Yoongi!"

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