BTS-Rap Monster

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BTS Café theme

As the only female member of the BTS Café, you often find yourself in problematic situations. You have always thought that the reason for the problems at the café was excess testosterone. Your six coworkers were energetic and excited twenty something boys who were more than a handful for one sane girl to handle.

The worst, however, wasn't even your coworkers. The person that caused the most disasters was your boss. Namjoon, the owner of the café, was a reasonable and friendly man with an incredibly high IQ. He managed the business aspect well and helped in the café whenever needed. All of the employees love Namjoon.

The one problem with Namjoon was actually something that he couldn't control. His nickname was the God of Destruction, and no matter how hard he tried, he always ended up breaking at least five things every day.

Most recently, you had started to add another object to the list of things he breaks, your heart. You can't remember when it had started, but one day you noticed that you didn't just like him for his face, but also for his personality. This was heartbreaking because you were pretty sure that he was dating the chef of the café, Jin.

So you spent the last few days helping Jin out in the kitchen, watching your crush flirt with Jin. Every chance you got, you would sneak out to chat with Jimin and Jungkook, the baristas, and watch the three servers bounce around from table to table. But those moments of peace would only last for a few seconds before Namjoon calls you back into the kitchen with a frown on his face.

You sigh. Another day of the same torture, you think as you walk through the entrance of the café. You are greeted by Tae's boxy smile and Hoseok's shout of greeting. Yoongi gives you a nod from his seat and you return it with a big smile before making your way towards Jimin, who is currently alone behind the counter.

"Thank goodness you are here f/n," Jimin says theatrically, "Jungkook is running late today and the servers are apparently too good to talk to me."

With a laugh, you lean up against the counter. "Poor little Jimin," you say mockingly, "Are you bored without your boyfriend here to keep you company?"

Jimin gives you the same annoyed look he gives anytime you make fun of him for his close friendship with Jungkook, "Will you just be a nice friend and keep me company until he gets here. He'll be here in the next ten minutes."

"F/n," you hear Namjoon call from the back, "Will you please come back here? I need to talk to you."

You exchange confused looks with Jimin, unsure of why Namjoon would need to talk to you, before shouting back, "Yeah, I'll be there in a second." You pat Jimin on the back as you walk past him, "I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll have to wait for Jungkook to keep you company."

Jimin's groan makes you laugh as you head back towards the kitchen, where you can hear Namjoon and Jin joking around and laughing. As you walk into the kitchen, Jin pulls back from Namjoon, who had been whispering really close in his ear and smiles at you. "Ah, F/n, how has your day been going so far? Have you had lunch? Should I whip you up something really fast?"

You feel sick to your stomach after witnessing your crush flirt so blatantly in front of you, so you decline with a small smile. After all, Namjoon isn't yours. You have no right to be rude to Jin for flirting with him. "Actually," you start with a fake smile, "I think that Jimin will need help out front, so I was wondering if you wanted me to be a barista until Jungkook arrives."

"No," Namjoon practically shouted before catching himself and continuing at a lower volume, "No, don't do that. Jungkook will be here in about ten minutes. Jimin can handle himself until then, and I need your help with some managerial duties in my office today. I'm a little behind on paperwork and was hoping that you could help me out."

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