Shinee-Minho Pt 2

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You stand at the door of the karaoke room with a look of pure shock. Instead of the two boys you had made plans with, there stands the one boy that you did not want to see again. You turn around to leave, "Please don't go Y/N. Please let me explain myself."

"It has been less than a week and you've already changed your mind. Ji Ha told me that I should give you a chance but I thought I'd have more than a few days to calm down before I had too." You give him a dirty look, "I'm not ready to see you. Tell Onew that I am super disappointed in him." You turn to open the door but its locked.

"Y/N, my fans were threatening you. They sent me your address and said if I didn't break up with you, they would hurt you." He starts to cry, "I was trying to protect you, but I can't sleep knowing that you and I aren't together and that you think I don't love you." He sank into the couch, "Or maybe I was actually terrified of the fact that you might not love me anymore."

You start to cry as well, "Minho, of course I still love you, but I can't just forgive the pain you made me feel. You should have told me, and then we could have solved the problem without all of the pain." You sit next to him, "We could have solved the problem together, but now you have to solve it on your own. I'm not going to come back to you until you solve it."

"Why?" He sniffled.

I give him a tearful smile, "Because you hurt me a lot when you did that to me. I felt like my heart had been ripped out and stomped on. I went home and cried myself to sleep. I need time to forgive that and I need you to prove that you truly mean what you're saying here." You put your hand on his shoulder, "I love you Minho. Don't ever doubt that, but I can't just run back to you. I have more self-respect to do that."

Minho pulls you into a hug, "I'll prove it to you. I'll win you back. I promise. I love you so much."

Two weeks have passed since Minho's declaration and he has sent you a text every morning telling you that he loves you. This morning you had gotten a different message. He had told you to watch the news and that he was going to fix the problem.

You immediately turn the news on to see the anchor speaking excitedly about Minho, "Shinee's Choi Minho has been hospitalized. SM Entertainment has released that he has collapsed due to exhaustion and stress." You gasp, "Minho released a statement earlier as well. He said that obsessive fans had threatened the life of his girlfriend, so he had broken up with her to protect her. However, since he has separated with her, he claims he has been unable to focus or sleep." They pull up a picture of Minho looking tired and depressed, "He says that he refuses to endanger f/n, and will not go back to her until the fans accept her and stop with the hate. He also tells the fans that his condition will not improve until he returns to her, and that he is so disappointed that his fans don't accept the woman he loves."

You turn off the T.V. and quickly call Minho. As soon as he picks up you shout, "What hospital are you at? How do you feel? Are you an idiot?"

"Check twitter, f/n! My fans are accepting you. My fans are apologizing. I fixed it! We can be together again right?" He ignores your questions.

"Which hospital? Choi Minho you tell me right this second." You shout urgent as you rush out of your apartment.

"I'm at Seoul Hospital, but f/n, we're dating again right? You..." You hang up on him as you hail a taxi.

You rush up to the front desk and wheeze, "Where is he? Where is Minho?"

The woman at the desk smiles at you, "He's in room 302, and by the way f/n, I always thought you two were cute together." You thank her and take off towards Minho's room.

When you reach the door, you slam it open and shout, "Choi Minho, I said fix this, not hurt yourself. How dare you do something so stupid. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I heard you were in the hospital?" You start to cry, "I never want you to ever do this ever again."

"I agree. Next time just tell us and we will help you." You look up to see Jonhyung and the rest of Shinee standing there, "But since your reason was so cute, I'll save the rest of this lecture for after you and f/n talk. We'll go get food, but Minho needs to rest so nothing past kissing for you guys."

All the boys wander out of the room and leave you and Minho alone. "Does this mean that you'll give me another chance?" He gives you a hopeful look.

You throw yourself into his arms and he grabs onto you like his life depends on it, "You're an idiot." You mumble, "I just wanted you to tweet something saying that you didn't condone that kind of behavior. I didn't want you to go this far."

He kisses your forehead, "It was worth it if I get you."

"I'm not worth this much, Minho." You say.

He gently grabs your face, "Yes you are." You open your mouth to argue but he cuts you off with a kiss. When he pulls away he says, "Yes you are. Don't you dare say that you aren't. If you actually left me, I would be much worse than this." 

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