NCT: Johnny

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I am sorry that I have been gone; I have been dealing with a family emergency. This is a request from VIXX_UKISS. I've found that I can't do smut at all so I just alluded to it. I'm sorry, but I'm actually the worst at it, so I thought I'd spare you the pain of reading it.

The sun warms your bare arms as you wait patiently for you boyfriend to arrive. You haven't seen him in over a month—he had travelled home to Chicago to visit his family. You had offered to pick him up from the airport, but he had come in at two in the morning and he told you to just sleep.

The children in the park are shouting merrily as they play and you watch them with a soft smile on your face. "Someday we can have some of those, if you want," you hear a familiar voice say from behind you as arms snake their way around your shoulders. "I've missed you f/n."

You tilt your head back with a soft smile. "I missed you too Johnny. I missed you so much." You turned your body on the bench in order to give him a proper hug, "How was your family? Were they as excited to see you as you were to see them?"

Johnny's arms grab you by the shoulders as he helps you stand up before hugging you again, "They were so excited that I worried they wouldn't let me come back. They tried to convince me to give up on being an idol and come home, but they changed their mind when I told them that I couldn't leave the love of my life behind."

"You told them about me?" You pull yourself out of his arms and stare at him in shock; Johnny had always told you that he'd tell his family when 'the time was right'. The whole refusal had become an insecurity of yours throughout your relationship as you felt like he was ashamed of you. His nod put a large smile on your face as you threw yourself back into his arms, "So what made this the right time?"

As Johnny opens his mouth to answer, a ball from the children's soccer game slammed into the back of his head. You immediately burst into loud laughter as his hair is knocked all over his face from the impact. He gives you a wry smile before intertwining your hands and leading you back towards your apartment. "I think we should finish this conversation away from any flying balls," he says as he rubs the back of his head.

The park is only three blocks from your apartment building, but you walk slowly, enjoying the feeling of Johnny's hand in yours. You can feel his eyes on you so you turn towards him and meet his eyes with a smile. His contented smile turns into a grin as you smile at him and he uses your interlocked hands to pull you closer. He unclasps your hands and instead throws his arm over your shoulder, almost instinctively you lean closer to his body and slip your arm around his waist.

Johnny's beaming smile matches your own as he cuddles you into his side and you can't find it in yourself to care that you look like some stereotypical smitten couple. All too soon, you find yourself standing in the elevator of your apartment building. Johnny lets you go to open the door, and you assume that he will do what he does whenever he first gets home: grab a shower and then go with you to eat something.

You don't expect the arms that encircle you from behind or the face that gets buried in your neck. "Johnny, don't you want to shower and eat? I thought you had to do that when you get back?" You question him innocently.

You hear a huff from below your ear and he tightens his grip. "I have something else I desperately need right now," you can feel him leaving lazy kisses on your neck, "This something is what I haven't been able to have for so long."

With a giggle, you try to push out of his grip, "But you haven't told me why you decided to tell your family about me," you pause and make an exaggerated disgusted face, "and you kind of smell."

He uses the space you gain to flip you around. Now nose to nose, you can see the intense look in his eyes. He maintains direct and burning eye contact with you as he speaks, "I just looked my mom in the eye as she tried to convince me to stay and as much I missed her, I didn't even consider staying. When I thought about why I was staying in Korea, your face was the first thing to pop into my head. You were the reason I could never stay there. I figured I should explain it to my parents honestly." You grin and press a small kiss to his lips. He chases your lips as you pull your head back and initiates a deeper kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, he pulls away and pushes his forehead against yours, "The bad news though, is that now you have to come with me the next time I go to visit them. My mom really wants to meet you. Like really really wants to meet you." He pulls you in for an even steamier kiss.

You pull away huffing for air and whisper, "So she doesn't hate me for stealing her son away from her and keeping you in Seoul?"

With a huffing laugh, Johnny pulls your body closer to his. "Mad at you?" He questions, "Don't make me laugh. She immediately melted in happiness that I found love and interrogated me about you. Then she got mad at me for keeping you secret from her for so long. I thought she was going to kill me when she heard that I had hidden you for over a year. She is so mad at me that I think you could become her favorite child when I introduce you."

His hand slips under the back of your shirt and you let out another laugh. "I told you to shower," you admonish, "You really do smell bad. When was the last time you showered?"

"Why would I shower when we're just going to get sweaty again?" he asks suggestively.

You flick him on the forehead, "Who said we're going to get sweaty again?" You feel his hand moving upwards under your shirt, but ignore it with a small smile.

Johnny's face turns triumphant when he recognizes the playfulness in your eyes and pull you in for yet another kiss, "I really did miss you f/n. So much. Even if my mom wasn't making me, I would still bring you the next time I went to Chicago, because I hate being apart from you."

Your red face makes him laugh again and he leans into your ear, "Do you really want me go shower now? Or maybe you just want to join me?" He pulls you towards the bedroom with a lewd grin, "I just want to show you how much I missed you. We can shower after, then go meet up with the rest of NCT for lunch."

With a fond smile on your face, you let him pull you towards the bedroom. "I haven't seen the boys in forever. Without you being there, I haven't been motivated to take food to them while they practice."

He looks back at you with a grin, "I personally like that I am the only reason you go, but I think that the boys are going to be sad. I guess you'll just have to visit more often to make up for neglecting them." His smile turns annoyed, "It's like they think you're the entire group's girlfriend. It's kind of annoying. Maybe we shouldn't meet with them..."

"Are you really getting jealous of your closest friends because they like to eat food that I bring?" You lightly flick his forehead, "And it's enough to distract you from what we were about to do?"

He leans in for another kiss, "What we are going to do. No past tense." Without another word, he pulls you through the door to your bedroom and slams it shut.

You were late for the lunch Johnny had planned with NCT, but you took all of the boys' teasing and complaining with a wide smile and Johnny's hand clasped firmly in yours. 

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