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You snuggled further into the warm arms surrounding you as if they could protect you from the pounding headache and nausea that was inevitable after a night as wild as the one you think you had last night.

Truthfully, you can only remember flashes of your friend's birthday party. You remember the bartender being very quick to give the birthday girl and her friends free alcohol, and the birthday girl dancing on a table. After that, you can only recall flashes of a perfect smile and warm eyes, then blackness.

It wasn't very often that you drank, so it wasn't surprising that you had blacked out after such a crazy party. You could barely think because of the horrible headache so you just cuddled even further into the warm chest. In response, you could feel the arm tighten their hold around you. The movement made you jolt out of your pained stupor as you try to escape the foreign arms.

The motion of your attempted escape made your stomach turn in a dangerous manner, so you stopped and tried to focus on not vomiting. After a few steadying minutes, you attempted to look at the man who is holding you while he sleeps. The curtains are drawn, protecting your no doubt sensitive eyes from the harsh glare of the sun, so you could see the flawless individual that you had woken up next to.

His skin was flawless and his features perfect. He looked like a statue and you couldn't help but stare at how beautiful he was. You also noticed that both he and you were wearing clothing, which made you feel much more relieved.

It didn't stop you from trying, more carefully this time, to escape from his arms, but as soon as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, he only tightened his arms. After trying and failing to escape, you notice the cup of water and familiar Advil tablets sitting on the bedside table. You don't hesitate to take them and gulp down all the water.

As soon as you finish chugging the water, you feel him pull you back into his chest with a groan, "Ten more minutes." His half-asleep voice was rough and he didn't even open his eyes, "Just ten more minutes." As soon as he finished speaking, he went limp once again.

You laid there awkwardly for fifteen minutes before tapping him on the shoulder timidly. He let out a small laugh, "You gave me an extra five minutes. Thank you."

His eyes opened and he flashed me a familiar grin, "I assume you feel awful, f/n. Do you need anything? Breakfast?"

"You've been awake," you accuse him, "why didn't you let me go?" Then you wince at the volume of your own loud voice resounding in your ears.

He pinched your check softly, "Aigoo f/n. What am I going to do with you," he said quietly, "I held on because it was really comfortable for me. Let's go get some breakfast."

You let out a pained groan, "I feel sick. Who are you?"

"You don't remember?" He gives you an amused smile, "My name is Suho. You got really drunk last night and then got ditched by your friends. You ended up hanging out with my friends and me. You passed out at the club and I didn't know where you lived so I just brought you back here."

His smile was so beautiful it was almost blinding. "How do you exist?" you blurt out without thinking. Immediately you hide your face out of embarrassment, "Forget I said that. I'm hungover. I don't know what I'm saying."

The laugh that came out of him almost made you want to die it was so melodic, "You asked me that last night as well. Apparently, you thought I was too good looking to be real. Thank you a lot for that by the way, but I don't think I am all that good looking. You're much cuter than I am." He threw you a wink.

He laughed again at your shocked expression before you shouted, "How could you say that? I am just normal and you look like you belong in the museum with the rest of the statues." You wince at your own volume and lower your voice to match Suho's own soft tone, "You can't possibly think that. It's so painfully clear that you are better looking."

"I disagree," he said as he lightly grabbed you by the chin. He leans towards you while guiding your face towards him. In a husky whisper, he says, "I think you're one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen."

After pulling away from you with a teasing grin, he continued with another breathtaking smile, "I know you were drunk, but last night you told me that you wanted to date me. I'm hoping you haven't changed your mind."

Your whole face turned a startling shade of red and you cover it with both hands, "I did not say that. There is no way that I said that."

"You're right," he said with a mischievous grin, "but I got the general idea from some of the other things you said. I would say that the marriage proposal was a good indicator. Or maybe it was the kiss you gave me."

You threw your head back onto the pillow with a groan, "You're lying. You must be lying."

He gives you a small shrug, "Go to dinner with me tonight and I promise I will tell you the truth about what happened last night."


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