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"F/n, will you be my lover and stay with me forever?" You hear your roommate, Cha Mina, screech from the entryway of your apartment.

Without even looking up from your computer, you nod, "Were we not already? I thought we've been lovers this entire time." After you hear her halfhearted chuckle, you add, "But why are you asking? What's wrong?"

When you don't receive a response, you tear your eyes away from your computer and look over towards Mina. No longer in the entryway, now she's sitting in a chair across the room from you. Her eyes are puffy as though she has been crying and you immediately discard your computer, forgetting about the paper you were writing, "What happened? Why were you crying? Whose fault is it? I'll kill them."

Your rapid fire and angry questions elicit a weak laugh from Mina before she starts to sniffle again, "It's my brother's fault." Before you have a chance to question her on how her idol brother could hurt her, she continues, "He ruins everything for me." Her voice began steadily rising as she grew more and more angry, "That guy I told you about? Turns out he was just stringing me along so he could meet and get an autograph from Hakyeon. The worst part: the autograph was to convince a different girl to go out with him. He didn't even have the compassion to admit it. I had to see them together before he finally admitted it." Angry tears stream down her face, "Everyone wants to be close to me because of him. I never know who is my friend and who is his fan. I hate him."

You have never been known for being level-headed, which is why it is no surprise that your response to the story is to throw the blanket off of your lap and storm towards the door angrily. "That bastard did what?" You scream as you pull your shoes on, "He's an art student right? Then he should be finishing class soon. I'll wait at the entrance to the design school and have a little chat with him when he gets out. How dare he do that to you."

"F/n, no, "Mina grabs your arm and pulls you away from the door. "I should have seen it coming. Why else would anyone want to be my friend. My brother is the only worthwhile thing about me. It's not my brother's fault. It's mine; I should be better so people will want to be friends with me."

You whip around viciously, "You shut your mouth. How dare you insult my best friend. I am friends with you because I love you and anyone who would be your friend for your brother doesn't deserve you. It's not you or your brother's fault. It's their fault that they're stupid enough to miss out on you." Mina drops her hand in shock at your kind words and you take this time to throw the door open, "And since he made my best friend cry, I am going to find him and kill him. I'll call you later so you can help me dispose of the body."

A low and gorgeous voice chimed in, "What happened. Mina, why are you crying? Someone hurt you?" Blocking your path is none other than Cha Hakyeon, aka VIXX's N. You pause at the appearance of Mina's brother before shrugging and attempting to move around him. He blocks your path with his arm and in that time Mina clings onto you again.

"He's not even worth it F/n, and I think I slapped him hard enough to bruise when he admitted why he was flirting with me." She gives you a small smile and then rests her head on your shoulder, "Aigoo, I chose such a great boyfriend. You give me motivational talks, try to attack people who hurt me, and you're so cute when you're angry. Aigoo, what am I going to do with you." That's Mina, an easy-going person with a quick recovery time. She flashed you a larger smile, "At least I have you, so I know I won't die alone."

You push her off your shoulder and march back into the apartment, while planning how best to 'accidentally' run into the asshole on the street sometime. "Why am I your boyfriend. Clearly, you'd be the boyfriend and I'd be the girlfriend. Also, I am not cute when I'm angry. I'm scary."

Mina follows you into the apartment with Hakyeon trailing behind her, "And stop planning to run into the guy on the street. He's twice your size and clearly has no morals. He'd beat you to a pulp. I was just upset that he played me like that, but you've helped me get over it so don't waste your time."

"I'll get a gang and we'll," you begin to say before you're cut off.

"Who played you? How? Please fill your worried older brother in on the situation before he draws and irrational conclusion and loses his mind," Hakyeon's face was a picture of worry as he waited for his sister to explain and after she did, he was clearly livid, "Where is this guy? He wanted to meet me so badly, I'll acquaint him with my fists."

Mina lets out an annoyed sigh as you plop down on the couch, "You can't do that. You're an idol. It would make national news and hurt your reputation. Plus, he's not even worth it. I have you two and I don't need anyone else."

You spring up from the couch. "I've got it," you shout, "Hakyeon can distract him by telling him how awful he is while I sneak up behind him. Then I take a cheap shot and kick him where the sun don't shine. After he falls down in agonizing pain, he'll be an easy target. Best part, Hakyeon can just walk away and claim to have no connection to it." In response Mira rolls her eyes theatrically. You point at her accusingly, "You wanted me to be your boyfriend. I'm a lovely girlfriend, but a wildly vindictive and vengeful boyfriend. Hakyeon and I will be right back. Do you want us to stop at the store and get you ice cream on the way home?"

Hakyeon stands as well, "I don't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger. What if he gets up and starts hurting you? Also, you clearly know my name, but I don't know yours. You're Mina's roommate? This is the first time I've been able to visit."

You bow politely, "My name is F/n. It's lovely to meet you. Don't worry about putting me in danger. I would sacrifice my safety for Mina any day and I would expect the same from her."

His smile is blinding as he steps closer to you, "And how did my dear sister make such a loyal friend? Not many people would be willing to fight a larger guy for the sake of their friends."

You sink back down onto the couch as he nears. The quick beating of your heart is enough of an indicator that you are attracted to him—I mean who wouldn't be—but you steel yourself. You can't like him; Mina already feels like people use her to get to Hakyeon and if you chase him, she'll assume you were the same.

"Oppa can I talk to you in the other room for a second?" Mina cut in as she grabs her brother's arm and drags him out of the room.

You sit there awkwardly for a few seconds while you try to calm your frantically beating heart when Mina barges back into the room as though on a warpath. "Do you like my brother?" She stares you down as she waits for your response, "Don't lie to me. Be honest."

Mina knows you better than anyone else in the world, so you know better to lie, "I'll admit that I am attracted to him, but I would never go after him. You know that I value your friendship more than any relationship. I would never use you to get to your brother. I would choose you over any boy ever."

You freeze in horror when you see Hakyeon's head poke through the open door he had obviously been eavesdropping through. You had been so flustered by Mina's sudden question that you had forgotten he was even there. "You promised," he says to Mina with a large smile.

"I can't believe you're stealing my boyfriend. What kind of brother are you?" Mina groans. "Why does it have to be my best friend. Couldn't you feel a connection with another idol. I know F/n is awesome, but seriously?"

You give her a confused look, "What are you guys talking about?"

Hakyeon is the one that responds as he moves past Mina to grab your hand, "We are talking about how you are attracted to me and I am attracted to you. Mina promised to let me take you on a date if you were also attracted to me. So will you go on a date with me? I want to see if our mutual attraction could become more." 

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