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Mumbled curses fill the air as you stare murderously at the front door to your boyfriend's apartment. Taehyung had suddenly run out the door without even a word of explanation and abandoned you on the couch. He was supposed to be taking care of you. The cast on your leg chaffed painfully as you shifted your weight; it was clear that you would not be able to walk all the way home on your own, and the nearest underground station was even farther.

You curse again. Taehyung had abandoned you once again. He was constantly getting distracted and running off, speaking nonsense, or being too playful. He was the reason that you had broken your leg. He had gotten to excited and playfully pushed your shoulder a little too hard. Falling down the hill wasn't nearly as painful as the steep drop into the river at the bottom was.

You had forgiven him quite easily, as it was an accident, but Taehyung had demanded that he take care of you until you could take care of yourself. Clearly, you hadn't expected him to last the entire six months it would take, but it was only the second day.

Sitting innocently next to the door, your crutch is your only chance of making it home. Each step towards the crutch is slow and painful. Lugging a large plaster cast is not easy. The door opens when you are steps away from your goal. Instead of Taehyung returning, it is his roommate Jimin. Jimin takes one look at the situation and rushes to your side. "What are you doing?" he asks as he steadies you, "Why isn't Tae helping you?"

You give him an annoyed smile, "I'm trying to get my crutch so I can go home. I have no idea where Tae went; he just ran out without a word about an hour ago."

"He abandoned you here?" Jimin voice rose a pitch, "He just left his injured girlfriend, who he hurt, alone in the apartment without any explanation." He carefully helped you towards your crutch as he continued, "That idiot needs to get hit. How could he do something like that."

Looking at Jimin's genuinely angry face, you give him a small smile, "Don't hit him, Jiminnie. Just help me get home. That's your best friend duty."

Once the crutch is settled nicely under your arm, Jimin throws the door open and helps you towards their building's elevator. "I still can't believe that you like that absentminded guy, regardless of how handsome he is," Jimin said while shaking his head, "If I'd known you guys would be like this, I would have told you not to date him."

You laugh, "You did tell me not to date him. You told me that he was an absentminded pretty boy with a heart of gold and that I could do better." You nudge him with your shoulder, "And I think you were dead on, though I might add a hazard to the people around him. Or dead. He might be dead if he doesn't have a good explanation for this."

You fell Jimin mess us your hair playfully, "If he's dead, you have to take his spot as my roommate. You can't just kill half the rent and leave me to get kicked out of the apartment." It is easy for you to speak comfortably with Jimin, as he has been your best friend since childhood. He leads you through the streets and keeps an easy conversation to distract you from the frustration you are feeling towards Taehyung.

Jimin would never disappear like Taehyung. Jimin was focused and more serious, but still able to make you laugh like nobody else. Most people that interacted with you believed that you would end up together, but you were like cousins more than lovers. He was as dependable and protective as an older brother but your relationship lacked the bloody fights that siblings had.

It shocks you when you feel Jimin disappear from your side in the middle of your walk. Before you even have the time to turn as see where he has gone, you hear the sound of something crashing to the ground. Jimin is standing over a familiar body, which hit the ground after receiving a particularly hard punch from Jimin.

Your gasp is drowned out by Jimin's enraged yelling, "How dare you leave her in the apartment just to go out with a friend. She had to wait there alone for an hour and I found her trying to limp her way to her crutches." Namjoon is quick to restrain Jimin before he could lunge at Taehyung again.

It takes a few seconds for your mind to connect the pieces as you looked at the scene in front of you. Namjoon has ice cream in his hands and an ice cream lay splattered on the floor where Taehyung dropped it. They had gone to get ice cream. Taehyung had abandoned you in the apartment to go get ice cream with Namjoon—a friend that he sees nearly every day.

Anger. Pure anger rushes up through you. You didn't ask him to take care of you, so you weren't angry about that, but this was not the first time that he had just abandoned you for stupid things like that. You were sick and tired of him leaving your dates half way through without a word and then later explaining that Hoseok had asked if he want to play video games. You were clearly not his priority and you were done with it.

Taehyung stands up slowly and gives Jimin a betrayed look that made your traitorous heart sad for him, "Jimin why did you hit me. I just ran out for ice cream. It's not a big deal." His words make your heart break. You knew that you should have told him that his nonchalant attitude towards you was hurting you, but you didn't want to force him to change himself.

"It is a big deal." With that one sentence, all three arguing boys fall silent. Jimin head whips towards you and the rage turns to concern. Namjoon sees the look on your face and his face goes white, but Taehyung turns towards you with a confused yet annoyed look. Before Taehyung could say anything, you repeat yourself, "It is a big deal. It hurts to be abandoned by your boyfriend all the time. It hurts to be his second, third, or forth choice. It physically hurt when I had to limp my way to the door because I didn't have anyone to help me. I don't always have to be your first priority, but leaving our date halfway through to go play basketball with the boys is hurtful."

Taehyungs face goes sour in surprise as he realized the severity of your words, "You never told me. I didn't know that it was hurting you so much. I would have stopped. I will stop. I'll change."

As much as his clearly desperate face hurt your heart, you steel yourself and continue. "You shouldn't have to change Tae," you explain softly, "That's who you are. I have no right to ask you to change. Your absentmindedness and alien-ness is part of the things I love about you; it just hurts me when it happens to me. Which is very selfish of me," you trail off uncertainly.

"No," Taehyung's voice was the most serious you had ever heard it, "I won't listen to you blame yourself for my mistakes. You are my girlfriend. You have every right to ask me not to abandon you. And I won't listen to you say anything about you not being good enough for me, because clearly it's you that is too good for me." You open your mouth to argue, because—as he had guessed—you had been about to say that you were too needy for him, but he cut you off, "And there is no way I'm letting you use that as an excuse to break up with me. If you want to break up with me, just tell me the real reason instead of that bull."

Your breath catches as he stares straight into your eyes, "But Tae. You shouldn't have to change for me. That's a pretty hard thing to ask for."

"It's not just you I need to change that for," Taehyung shrugs, "I'll change for me. I want to make you happy. Plus, if I change maybe my mom will stop complaining about my lack of focus. Just don't leave me. I need you to be my motivation."

Jimin sighs, "That was so cheesy. F/n I think you should break up with him. Just because of the cheesy comments."

"First you punch me, now you insult me," Taehyung jokes, "Are we even friends?"

Jimin fixes him with a serious look, "Not if you hurt F/n again, we're not."

With his arm thrown over your shoulders, Taehyung shrugs and gives you a sweet smile, "Fair. If I hurt her again, then you should just beat me up."

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