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I decided to start this book because let's just say its better to write down what I'm actually feeling or want to say Instead of saying out loud to the persons involved.

I know if I don't think twice about what I do say to certain individuals I would be bashed ungrateful, disrespectful, or even have no manners.

So I don't think I can hold it in anymore because I may explode and I don't really want that.

I have learnt over the years to keep a calm fixed facial expression when in certain situations even when I'm screaming I side.

I have been told my facial expression always looks like its mad at the world but I've been contorting it this way for a long time it's difficult to try to change it.

They say I look like I'm mad at the world.

Maybe I am.

But smiling for no particular reason? That's preposterous.

I come from a small town where everyone knows everyone and if they see you trying to rise they'll push you back down.. There are a lot of negative person out there and I choose not to get too involve with those in my community one of the reasons my earphones play a large part in who I am.

To many I'm loner.

But I have a few friends that I talk to in order to keep me sane.

I don't know what I'd do without them.

It beats having this whole crowd of friends who you can't really trust or talk to, and I don't mind at all.

I know they won't lodge a knife in my back.

I come from a, I don't kind of strange family?.

My mother and father are married.

But they both have boyfriend and girlfriend.

And no its not an open marriage.

Note that I've changed certain aspects of this book.
I have Two wattpad accounts and I use this one to write about my life.
I don't want my friends or family reading this.
At least not now...
I want to be able to look back on thus an say " well would ya look at that"

Climbing The Steps Of AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now