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Dan's POV

I stood there, flowers in hand. I don't know why I got him flowers. It just felt right. Ugh I was so anxious. I turned on circles, jumped up and down, anything to calm my nerves. I glanced towards my phone and saw him text me. He was here. I looked and looked until I saw the familiar black hair. My heart stopped. I had the urge to run and kiss him.

No. Don't do that. Yes. No. Yes. Eventually Phil saw me and I couldn't control my emotions. I ran as fast as I could, smashing my lips into his. He wrapped his hands around my waist, kissing back. I pulled back to admire his face in person.

I remembered the flowers and nervously gathered myself together. "U-Um these are for y-you," I smiled.

"Thank you, Danny boy," Phil blushed while accepting the flowers. My eyes widened when he said Danny boy. "Who knew you'd be such a great kisser," he laughed while holding my chin. I looked down in embarrassment. Why did I do that? My heart sped up. I felt as if my legs were going to give up. "Well I guess I'll be going to a hotel. Slowly walking away..."

"Wait! You can stay at my place!" I shouted.

"If I must," he laughed and grabbed my hand. I let out a slight giggle and took him to my house.


Haha fuck. I'm so sorry guys I'm so inactive, but can I take a moment to....FUCK 9K WOWZA THATS A LOT AND I JUST WANT TO SAY THANK YOU AHAHAHA WOWWWW IM SO HAPPY


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