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"What a jerk," Phil muttered under his breath while sitting us down on a bench. He cupped my face and wiped away the remaining tears. "Don't think about him too much, okay?"

"Am I awful?" I questioned while looking away from his eyes.

"W-What?! No! Why would you-"

"I dropped him and got together with you right away," I explained.

"Baby, that's just how it worked out. Life goes on. It has nothing to do with you," he half smiled. His lips brushed against mine and I nodded. Maybe he was right. I had reasoning for leaving Pj and Phil just happened to be there. Life goes on."

"Yeah, you're right," I shrugged, half believing him.

"DAN!" I heard Pj call while running out of the club. I looked up to see him frantically stumbling out with tears in his bloodshot eyes. "I'm sorry! I hope you can forgive me for what I did. I'm sorry for everything," he apologized with tears streaming down his face. I kind of just stared at him with wide eyes.

"Pj..." Phil started, but I cut him off.

"No, Phil. This is my problem," I half smiled. "We will be right back," I said while signaling Pj to follow.

"Why did you do it, Dan? Why did you break up with me?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Because you went through my phone and you started saying awful things to Phil," I explained.



"I say it's a ton of shit! It wasn't me was it?! You left me so you could have a go at someone else!" he cried causing people around to look. I didn't know what to say. He wasn't wrong. Phil came into my life and destroyed my relationship with Pj and I can't deny it. I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," was all I managed to say. I really was. I was a complete asshole to him and he didn't deserve it. He gave me all of his love and I just threw all of it away.

"Dan, please get up." I shook my head. I couldn't get up. My legs felt weak and my heart ached. I caused someone to be in pain. "Dan...please," Pj pleaded while offering his hand to help me up. I took it and looked into his sympathetic eyes. That caused my crying to worsen.

"I'm sorry!!!" I cried while giving him a big hug.

"Dan, please don't cry. I don't want you to feel bad. I just wanted to know the real reason why you left. I'm not mad," he explained.

"You're not?"

"No, live your life, man," he smiled while signaling to Phil who was watching from around the corner.

I nodded. "Thank you, Pj." I gave him one last hug before walking over to Phil. "I don't think we need to worry about him."

"You're a good person, Dan," he smiled while placing a kiss on the top of my head. I gave him a gleaming smile and wrapped my arms around his chest. "Let's go, Danny Boy."

Yoooooooo another update cuz I'm cool. When I first started writing I was like I'm ganna write a new one every week, but it's now gone to once a month. Sorry peeps. Well anyways thanks for reading!


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