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"You look like you could use a drink," a raspy voice said. It was those words that would make that night a great one, yet the worst. I glanced up to see a boy with silky blond hair smile at me. I just nodded and stood up. "Tough night?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Apparently all I'm worth is to be led on for months and months just to find out that they were fucking their best friend!" I shouted, but quickly calmed. "Sorry..."

"That must majorly suck," he frowned. "Let's go hit the bar. It's on me." I smiled and went with him. He could be a killer for all I know, but I didn't care. If anything I wished he was a murderer. He wrapped his arm around him and smiled.

"I don't even know your name," I said, suspiciously.

"Ryder," he answered.

"Dan," I said in a monotone voice. He gave me a big grin. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"That's an amazing name!"

My cheeks turned red. "Really?" He nodded and brushed his hand seductively through his hair. We walked into a bar and sat down.

"What will you be having?" Ryder asked. I shrugged.

"Something strong. I want to get wasted."

"I got you," he laughed and ordered for us. I started at him intensely trying to figure him out. Why did he just pick me up off of the streets? I wasn't in the position to be ungrateful considering my night would have been sitting on the corner if it weren't for him. A tray of shots was displayed in front of us. He chuckled and handed me one. "Bottoms up," he cheered and chugged one down. I quickly drank one and wasn't hesitant to take more. I took three and before I could go on four, Ryder stopped me.

"What the hell was that for?" I inquired, angrily.

"Three is enough. I don't want to drag you out of here. I need you in somewhat of a decent state," he explained. What did it matter to him if I was on the floor drunk or not.

"Fuck you," I snared and went for another only to be, once again, intercepted.

"Let's get out of here," he said and stood up, trying to get me up as well. I walked, attached to him out of the bar. "Where do you live?" he asked.

"I don't."


"I don't live here," I explained. He nodded.

"Do you want to come to my place and get some rest before heading out?" He wondered and I responded with a nod. "This is why I didn't want you to take another one. You already are walking terribly." I looked at my feet. I was walking fine. In the corner of my eye I spotted the black haired boy. My heart sunk... he was talking to Chris. He glanced over at me and I made a quick decision. I stopped walking, grabbed Ryder's face and pressed my lips against his. "That would have been more romantic if you actually kissed my lips, not my chin."

"Sorry," I mumbled. He lifted my chin and kissed me passionately. I looked over at Phil to see him walking away. Did he just not care? I kept walking with Ryder and eventually we made it to his house. It was quite big. For someone so young he had a nice, big house.

"Are you going to get up my stairs okay?" He asked and I nodded, but immediately tripped. He picked me up, my legs wrapped around his torso. My head went up and down with his breathing; I felt warm and safe. He laid me down on his bed and tucked me in.

"Let's have sex," I giggled, pulling him towards me.

"How about we save that for when you aren't drunk," he laughed and kissed my forehead. I kissed his lips and let them travel to his neck.

"I am fully aware of what I am doing," I smirked, placing my hand on his crotch.

"I just want to make sure I have your consent." I nodded and unbuckled his pants. I pulled his dick out and gulped knowing I was going to have to fit all that in my mouth. My mouth did the work while letting out muffled moans. Ryder grabbed my hair and squirmed under my touch. I looked up at him, saliva dripping on my chin.

"I want you," I laughed. My drunk self managed to take off my clothes. "In me...now."

Ryder chuckled and grabbed a condom. "Hold on, babe." He brushed his hand through my hair, then put on the condom. He lathered his dick in lube and proceeded to slowly enter into me. I threw my head back and let out a loud moan. His sheets provided a gag for me as he slammed harder and harder. "Mmm," Ryder let out, along with many other moans.

"Ngh...you feel so good!" I screamed, clenching my fists. "I'm...ganna...cum...!" I moaned, letting myself release. I fell flat on the bed, breathing heavily. "That was great sex."

"Yes, That definitely was," Ryder sighed. My eyelids were getting very heavy and I knew I was going to drift off soon. "Goodnight, Dan,"
Ryder comforted and kissed me goodnight. I knew in the morning I would regret this, but for now I was happy.

I got my shit together and wrote a long chapter whoop. It's only midnight whoop.


hey hi there

I'm doing a QnA so please please please ask me questions and I'll have a chapter of the answers. I really want to connect with the readers so ask me anything I don't care what the question is just comment on this paragraph.

Thank you so much for reading. You guys are the best!


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