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I walked through my sad apartment door, dread filling my body. A tear slipped down my frowned face. 

"Dan...I love you," Phil cried when I walked through the door. I jumped, not expecting the tall boy to be standing I front of me. He was holding flowers. The same flowers he gave me when we first met. My heart sank further.

"Phil...please...you are making this harder for me.  I want to forgive you! I want to run back into your arms! I love you, Phil!" I cried, falling to the floor. It wasn't the cry that you see in movies, the perfect tears, and a pouty lip. It was the cry of a toddler who lost their toy. The choking sobs echoed throughout my apartment. 

"Then what is stopping you?" Phil inquired, sitting on the floor next to me. He brushed the hair off of my tear filled eyes. He seemed so caring, I wanted to trust him. 

"I can't look at you the same. My heart says to go back to you, but I know that I shouldn't trust you after what you did to me. How can I ever trust you again? Do you even love me anymore? 

"Yes, I love you. Dan...I love you with all I have!" He shouted, grabbing onto my arm.

"Then why did you do it?!" I screamed back. My hands pushed Phil out the door, slamming it right after. I was no longer sad, I was angry. I grabbed a pillow and shoved my face into it, screaming loudly. "Fuck you, Phil!" I shouted, hoping he was still out there. I needed him to know I was not going to sit around and let him hurt me. I ran to my room and slipped on black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I left my hair curly, I was told it looked sexier that way. I grabbed my wallet and my phone, opening the door. I saw Phil sitting there, tears streaming down his face. I picked up my phone and dialed a number I haven't for a while.

"Hey, PJ. Want to go for a drink?" I asked, walking to the elevator. I could hear Phil's sobs, but I wanted him to think about what he did.

"Absolutely!" I heard in response.


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