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"Phil, I'm not so sure about this," I mumbled in the line.

"Come on, Danny boy! Live your life! What's the fun of being gay if you never go to a gay club?!" He cheered.

"I guess," I sighed and clung onto his arm. There were a lot of guys and a lot of them looked way too old to be here. "Phil, what if one tries to...you know...get sexual?"

"Then I'll slide in and start sucking you off. They'll take the hint," he smirked. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Phil, that's not a hint that's a fucking billboard! Please don't!" I pleased and he rolled his eyes.

"You're absolutely no fun whatsoever!" He pouted, but I just ignored him. I was next in line and the guard looked at me up and down. I gave him my ID and he signaled for me to walk in. I've been over 18 for a while now and I've never had to use my ID once. It's a day to try new things, I guess.

"What do you suppose we do now?" I heard Phil whisper in my ear behind me. I shrugged, taking in the scenery of the people. This was nothing like I expected it to be. Boys in speedos and waiters carrying rainbow flags. I think this whole place is mocking every gay person alive. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like playing with makeup and wearing extremely high heels. I'm just a normal person who just happens to like dick.

"Phil, I don't think this is exactly a good idea," I mumbled quietly.

"What?" He questioned, trying to understand.

"I'll be right back," I said, but he didn't seem to understand. I rushed to the bathroom and sat on the floor.

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