No way

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I stood up

“I just can’t ok I can’t just accept you after 18 year that’s too late the damage is done you can’t do that no note no call not even a card nothing don’t you think we deserve more than that I’m sorry but I can’t bring myself to forgive you maybe one day but not today not yet”



I felt tears falling down my face I ran into something hard don’t tell me I ran into the wall again I looked up and saw Dj

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I have to-“

“Makenzie calm down what wrong”

“It’s nothing trust me”

“It doesn’t look like nothing come on”

We went to his room I sat down in a chair

“look I know what our dad did to you and derrek wasn’t right and I understand and respect your choice but I just want to tell you that I’ll always be there if you need me even if you just need to talk and I do hope one day you see me just as much as a brother as you do derrek”

I hugged him I appreciate what he was trying to do for me

“just remember whatever you choose you have to live with it he’s always going to be your dad and you’ll always be his daughter so no matter what he will be there”

“I know I can’t run from it can I”

“No I guess not”

There was a knocking at the door little McKenna poked her head in

“Makenzie why are you crying was Dj mean do you want me to beat him up for you?” I looked over to Dj who was smiling and shaking his head

Looking at her size and his I started to laugh 

“Sweetie I don’t think you could beat him up he is bigger than you by a lot”

“Hey just cause I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t beat him up size doesn’t matter”

Rejected by him(Book 1)Under Massive ConstructionWhere stories live. Discover now