Chapter 4

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'Wow, Katie..I..I don't know what to say..I' I stuttered. I looked into the mirror at my new 'made over' reflection 'Oh, you don't like it do you? Oh Lou I'm so sorry, em, I'll go get the shower running' she shot up from the bed I grabbed her wrist before she could go any further 'Woah, woah, woah, woah, Katie...I love it!' I smiled The corners of her mouth slowly turned up until they were a huge beaming smile, 'Really?!' She cheered Turning back to look at myself in the mirror I admired my new hair do, my once flat hair that clung to my forehead was now all fluffy and pushed up into a tall quiff, and the flaky parts of the gel were barely visible. 'Eeeek!!' She squealed 'go put on your suit! Lets see the whole look!' Nodding I picked up my folded suit from the bed and opened the bathroom door, peering round I said 'be right out' She nodded before I slowly closed the door, making stupid faces as it shut. Chuckling at my childish actions I turned to face the shower wall as I quickly un-dressed my self and slipped into the new, smooth, silky and shiny suit. Stepping out of the bathroom and onto the fluffy, sea blue carpet on Katie's bedroom floor my eyes darted straight down at the hair dryer burn on the carpet that I made when I was messing around a few years back. Slowly lifting my eyes up to look at Katie's reaction my heart skipped a beat when I set my eyes on her face. Her jaw was wide open, her eyes doing the same. Swallowing she opened her mouth to speak 'L-Louis,' she gulped 'you-y-you look amazing..'she trailed off, her eyes raking up and down my body Blushing I giggled 'ahah, thanks Kate, ' 'I bet those boys won't able to resist you now Louis!' 'Sssshh!!' I hushed her 'I don't want the whole street knowing I'm gay' I looked at the floor 'Louis, you shouldn't be ashamed of your self, you are who you are, and I wouldn't ask for you to be any other way, your amazing Lou' she smiled a she walked over and hugged me tightly, shoving her face into my neck. Her hot breath heating up my face and fanning out all up my neck. Pulling away I gave Katie a weak smile 'your the best Katie' 'I know, now go get changed, it's getting late' patting my back she pushed me to the bathroom door. Stepping out of the bathroom once again, in my normal clothes, I walked over and sat with Katie on her bed 'You should wear your hair like that more often Lou, you look super hot' she winked Laughing i replied 'yeah I guess I should, if I was a professional hair person...thing...' Katie chuckled 'hair dresser?' 'Yeah, one if those' I giggled 'I better get going,' I pushed my self off the bed and made my way towards the door. 'Want me to give you a ride?' Katie began 'its getting pretty dark' 'Na, it's fine, thanks for the offer though' I smiled 'No sweat,' she smiled back Following me down the hall and to the front door of her home, Katie and her parents waved goodbye as i made my way out of the door and down the street. The air outside was freezing and the wind was blowing a force ten gale straight in my face. I wish I'd have taken Katie up on her offer for a ride, I thought to myself as i turned down a dark avenue. I don't usually take this route, but it was getting darker and darker by the minute and my small woolly coat wasn't keeping me much warmer that I would have been without it, plus this way was a short cut so, you, win I suppose. My footsteps echoed as I trudged down the small dark alley way. As I made it about half way through the alley way I stared to hear faint coughing from further down. Slowing my walk down I turned the corner, looking round for any 'trouble' that might be ahead of me. I could hear the coughing more loudly now, and the faint crackle of pebbles under foot could be heard. A tall, mysterious shadow was outlined against the dark brick wall. Keeping my head down I tried my best to pass by unnoticed, that was until the figure stepped out so his body was blocking my path, and I walked right into him tripping backwards. A deep throaty chuckle came from the outline silhouetted against the moonlight, I recognised that laugh straight away. Harry. 'Well hello there, Larry' he laughed as he grabbed my hand, heaving me up 'Its Louis...actually' I scoffed 'What?!' He shouted grabbing me by my collar. That is until, the headlights of a car lit up the alley way His eyes widened and he loosened his grip on my shirt and slowly released me back onto the ground, his eyes still wide and never leaving my face. He stepped back, his eyes searching every part of my face. 'So...Louis, huh?' He scratched the back of his neck, looking at the floor. 'Erm...yeah,' I adjusted my shirt collar awkwardly. 'Erm..can I..erm..' I motioned my arm behind him 'Oh, em, yeah' he stepped aside so I could get passed. 'Er..thanks.' Nodding I started to walk passed him 'Hey...erm...Louis!' He yelled after me Turning back round to face him he continued 'I...erm..I like your..I like your hair..' He blushed looking down at the floor I chuckled 'Erm? Thanks?' 'Yeah don't think too much of it' he turned around and started to walk off down the way I had just come. Shrugging I turned and began to walk home once again. I was going to be late home again, great.

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