Chapter 17

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OMG ITS SO PERFECT!!! PER-FECT [see what i did there? ;)]

Ok ill shut up now :3

Louis' POV

Harry had sent me a text saying he couldn't hang our today because he had a big game so ,being the best boyfriend ever, I was going to surprise him by going to watch his game. I pushed my last book into my overcrowded locker and strolled down, the now empty, hallways and up to the field. I hugged my jacket that was hanging loosely over my shoulders and made my way towards the benches. My feet sank in the mud as I reached the top of the field. Turning to the back bench I saw something that I wasn't ready to see...

Harry's POV

I quickly slipped on my football shorts and vest and jogged up to the training area on the field. "Styles you came!" Riley yelled from the top of the hill. "Yeah I made it" I panted bending over in attempt to catch my breath back. Once my breathing had returned back to normal, I stood up straight and jogged over to the benches to watch the rest of the team practise before the big game.

Just as I was about to sit down someone dragged me up and pushed me against the cold metal wall. "What the fu-" I was cut off by someone kissing me and It defiantly didn't feel like Louis. I tried to push the person off me put they wouldn't budge from their position. I heard a loud gasp and the person finally pulled away. Looking over I saw Louis with tears in his eyes clutching my jacket that I had gave him a while back. Before I could stop him he ran off into the changing rooms. Not looking back, I followed Louis running as fast as I could to try and catch him.

Louis' POV

How could he have done this? I was angry at him because he lead me on into thinking he was actually in love with me but even more so at myself because i actually fell for him and his little game. I felt tears stream down my face as the event replayed in my mind. I could hear Harry's studded shoes right behind me calling my name but I didn't really want to be lied to again. "Boo wait" He called grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him. "Don't call me that" I said weakly furiously wiping the tears spilling down my face. Harry's eyes softened and he wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb. I cringed at his touch and harshly pushed his hands away. "I thought you loved me" I cried not really caring that people were watching. "You lead me on thinking you loved me and I fell for it. How could you? I-I fell for your stupid game. Is that all the relationship was? A game? Well I'm not falling for it again Harry. Just....leave me alone and don't talk to me again. I never want to see you again. I hate you" I screamed in his face before running out of the hallway not giving him a chance to speak. I sped home and ran up to my room and cried. How stupid was I to think my BULLY would love me?

Harry's POV

"Well I'm not falling for it again Harry. Just....leave me alone and don't talk to me again. I never want to see you again. I hate you" Louis cried before pushing past the crowd of people surrounding us and running out of the door. I felt the tears form and I harshly pulled my hands through my curls and pulling on them. The crowd of people had gone back to whatever they were doing and I was left alone slowly feeling my heart brake into pieces. Louis was the best thing that had happened to me and now he is gone and he hates me. "Woah Styles what did you do now? That Louis kid looked really upset" Riley smirked. I felt my face heat up with anger and I completely lost it. I pushed him to the ground and my fist connected with his jaw. "YOU BASTERD HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed in his face trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. He didn't try and fight back so I took this an advantage as, I know, riley is stronger than me. I felt a strong pair of arms pull me up off Riley's battered body and dragged me away from the large crowd and into a quiet corner at the end of the hallway. I continued to cry as I felt the person sit me down on the cold floor. "Hey Hey don't cry what happened?" The person asked handing me a cloth to wipe my eyes. As my vision returned back to normal I saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at me "Harry mate what happened?" Luke asked sitting on the floor next to me and taking the tear stained cloth from my bloody hands and throwing it behind him. I took a shaky breath before telling him the whole story, Riley kissing me, Louis saying he hates me and never wants to see me again. When I had finished Luke pulled me in for a hug, which didn't feel as nice as Louis' but it was still nice. "Im sorry bro" Luke said as he pulled back "Me and the others will help you get him back". I sniffled and smiled as Luke helped me to my feet "Cmon Styles lets go".


"Are you sure this will work?" I asked scribbling the last note on a crumpled piece of paper. "Im certain" Luke nodded positioning the guitar on his knee. Luke had suggested we write a song for me to sing to Louis. He said it would be 'cute' and was a great 'get back together' thing as he had used it in past brake ups. "Lets have a run through" I said positioning my own guitar that laid over my lap. I set the lyric sheet jn front of me and closed me eyes before I started to sing.

[SONG ON THE SIDE! Ive changed the lyrics abit:3]

"Some things we don't talk about 

Rather do without 

And just hold the smile 

Falling in and out of love 

Ashamed and proud of 

Together all the while

You can never say never 

While we don't know when 

But time and time again 

Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go

Picture, you're the king of everything 

As far as the eye can see 

Under your command 

I will be your guardian 

When all is crumbling 

I steady your hand

You can never say never 

While we don't know when 

Time, time, time again 

Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go

We're falling apart and coming together again and again 

We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go 

Don't let me go"

As Luke finished the last couple of notes I opened my eyes, which I didn't even know was closed, and looked at his reaction. "OMG that was amazing!" A female voice came threw the door. Luke sighed and got up from the bed and opened the door and revealed his mum standing in the doorway with a wide smile on her face. "What do you want? Cant you see we are trying to practise" Luke huffed in annoyance as his mum pushed past him and entered the room. "Harry you have an amazing voice!" she squealed sitting next to me on the bed. I smiled at her and laid the guitar on the bed at the side of me. "Mum what do you want?" Luke repeated crossing his arms over his body. "OH I came to tell you dinner is ready and I heard you practising and I didn't want to disturb you so I waited for you" She smiles getting up off the bed and walking back towards the door. "Im sorry about her" Luke apologised resting both guitars against the wall. "Its fine" I laughed standing up from my position on the bed. "Well guess we should go before dinner gets cold" Luke sighed pushing me out of the door and down the stairs.

After dinner we had another run through of the song and we had called Ashton, Calum and Michael round to discuss the 'plan'. Once we had a clear idea of what was going to happen I made my way home thinking about the feathery haired lad that I was hoping to get back into my life.

Let Me Love You (Larry Stylinson) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now