Chapter 11

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Not updated in like a week.....                                                                                                          

Anyways WE HAVE A COVER!!! On the side>>>>>>                                                                        


My eyes were still wide with shock and disbelief as I saw Harry storm round into the living room.

Before I knew it, Niall was being ripped away from me and shoved up against the wall, his feet dangling helplessly above the ground.

I sat up and wiped my mouth in disgust, coughing and spluttering.

'What the fuck was that, huh?!' Harry practically screamed in Niall's face as he ragged him around, his back still pressed up against the wall.

Niall gulped 'he threw himself on me! He was all over me bro!'

My head shot up 'that's not true!' I rose to my feet in a flash

'Dont you fucking lie to me Niall Horan!' Harry yelled, his deep voice echoed through the halls.

'When did you two get so close and lovey dovey anyway?!' Niall spat

Harry's face was bright red with anger, his free hand clenched into a fist at his side. I could see he was desperately trying to keep himself together.

'Its like your turning into a soft fucking fag! Just like him!' Niall sneered through gritted teeth

Something inside if Harry must have snapped, in the blink of an eye Harry's fist was brought up and came into contact with Niall's jaw in a bone braking punch. He repeated over and over again.

I stood In complete shock, watching as Harry repeatedly hit Niall in the face and chest.

Coming back into reality, I ran over to where Harry was now laid on top of Niall. Blood dripped from Niall's nose and he coughed out blood every once in a while

'Oh my god, Harry! Stop!' Grabbing onto his bicep I shook him as hard as I could, trying to gain his attention.

'Harry, Harry, look...I'm here, I'm right here. Calm yourself!'

I placed my fingers under his chin and forced him to look at me.

'Calm down...' I cooed

Harry looked up into my eyes, out of breath and panting endlessly.

Suddenly, his eyes seemed to calm and he blinked slowly. They then started to tear over as he stood up and looked down at what he had just created of Niall.

'Shit,' he breathed 'I got blood on the carpet...'

I couldn't hold in my laugher, I burst into a fit of giggles

'This ain't funny! Moms gonna kill me!' He ruffled his curls.

'Maybe we should dispose of the body first...?' I looked up at him

'Good idea, lets move this dick face,'

Harry bent down and picked up Niall's floppy body

'Where we gonna put him?' I asked as I followed Harry to his car

'Just take him to Liam. He can figure out whatever the fuck he wants to do with him,' he huffed as he threw Niall into the back of his car before we climbed into the front seats and drove to wherever Liam's house was.

'Wait here,' Harry instructed as he climbed out of the car.

I nodded as he opened the door to, once again, grab Niall.

Watching out of the front window I saw Harry knock on the door and ring the door bell a few times before Liam opened up the door, with out a shirt on and his hair all messy and fluffy.

The look on Liam's face was priceless as he saw Niall laying in Harry's arms. Harry passed Niall over to Liam then turned on his heel without another word.

He sighed as he slammed the car door shut.

'Well that was interesting,' he chuckled, looking over at me.

'Yeah I know,' I agreed as I too, let out a worried laugh

'Wont you get in trouble for this?' I asked, turning in my seat to face Harry.

'Probably. But I'm used to it I guess,'

He laughed

'Wanna come back to mine to get some actual work done?' He smiled, flashing his perfect dimples.

I looked at my watch, 'erm...I can't Haz, sorry. Gotta get to Starbucks for work In a bit, love.' I said, looking up from my arm.

'Awh.' Harry whined 'well okay, I'd come for a drink but...Kendall,' he huffed

'Ah,' I sighed

Well...want me to drive you there?' Harry smiled

'Sure,' I smiled back


I climbed out of the car, saying my goodbyes to Harry and waving bye. I turned round and walked into Starbucks.

'Hey Lou!' Katie beamed, coming out from behind the counter to hug me.

'Hey Katie,' I smiled into her hair.

'So...who was that you came with?' She winked as we walked behind the counter.

'Just someone,' I smirked

'Oh c'mon! You can tell me!' She elbowed my side

'Okay! Okay! It was Harry!'

She froze 'Harry, Styles?' She looked shocked and confused

I nodded, biting my lip and waiting for her reaction

'Oh my god Lou! Wow! No way! He's a total hottie!' She squealed

'Shhh!!' I quickly pressed my finger to her lips.

Squirming, she moved my finger from her mouth 'so...are you guys like...' She lowered her voice 'a thing?'

'What?!' I shouted a little too loudly 'are you crazy?!'

She just laughed ' just you wait...'

Confused, I went to answer but decided against it as it would only lead to something I don't want to talk about right now.

'But hey, he's just your music partner...right?' She smirked

'At least it's only a week till' the holidays,' I changed the subject

'Uh huh,' Katie smirked

Huffing I began to take customer orders.

I could see Katie smirking at my side for the most of the rest of the time we were working. And occasionally, I would smile and chuckle to myself as well because...was Harry just my music partner?...

Let Me Love You (Larry Stylinson) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now