Chapter 8

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Logan is Conor Maynard:):3

Finally it's Friday!! This week has dragged on for what's felt liked weeks.I felt quite nervous at what my teachers would say after I ditched school yesterday with Harry. I felt everybody's eyes on me as I hurried down the hallway to meet Katie.

'Hey Lou' she smiled widely looking up from her phone. 'Hey' I spoke simply opening my locker and getting the books I needed before stuffing them back in my bag.

My eyes travelled to familiar chocolate curls and I smiled widely 'err I'm sorry Kate..I er have to go' I said in a hurry as I watched Harry enter our maths room.

I entered the classroom, bag slouched over my shoulders. To be honest the only reason I had even bothered coming to school was to see Harry.Dropping my bag on the floor, I glanced across to Harry who completely blanked me and started talking to another guy

My heart sank deeper and deeper as I saw Harry flash his famous dimpled smile at this mystery boy. Why was I feeling so heart broken that he was talking and laughing with another man? It's not that I have feelings for him and his perfect hair, gorgeous green eyes that I could get lost in for day and his beautiful pink lips that was soft on mine...who am I kidding? I'm slowly truly madly deeply (see what I did there?XD) falling in love with my bully of 3 years and I can't get back up.

'Class please turn to page 69 and complete the activites' miss Platts spoke sitting down and rapidly tapping the keyboard. I heard Harry snigger and I smirked. I didn't feel like doing maths so I decided to send a quick text to Harry


Hey Haz...I'm bored :/


Me too :/


Who was that guy you was talking to?

I sound really jealous.

'Tomlinson' my head snapped up to find Miss Platts stood with one hand on her hip and the other extended pointing to my phone. I went bright red with embarrassment and handed it over looking at my feet,suddenly they was very interesting. After staring at my feet for 5 minutes I looked up to see what was going on and found Harry smirking at me. I cheekily stuck my tongue out at him before scribbling random numbers for answers.

'Louis!' Kate called from behind me. 'So..who's the guy?' She asked a little too loudly.

'Shh' I hushed her pushing my hand over her mouth 'you know I don't want to come out yet. I don't think I could handle the bullying again' I whisper shouted. She sighed and lifted my hand from her mouth 'I know Louis I'm sorry' she apologised 'I want to know who the guy is!' She spoke excitedly jumping up and down making her shoes hit the ground with a thud

'How do you know there is a guy?' I said nervously walking over to my locker and putting my morning books away and collecting my afternoon ones. 'Louis..I have known you since like forever! I know there is a guy' she smirked. 'Fine' I sighed 'there is a guy' I'm sure I heard a little squeal before I was enveloped into a big hug.

'So' she began 'what's his name?' Should I tell her? 'Its Harry' I mumbled hoping she didn't hear. 'Harry? As in Harry Styles?' She asked smiling. 'Yes' I confessed 'Louis I'm so happy for you and jealous...he's hot' she beamed. 'Well I better be going Lou... I've got Logan waiting for me' she sang smiling wide 'Logan..?' I asked and she pointed to a boy that looked no older than 20. 'Ill explain later Lou' she smiled before hugging me again. She waved goodbye before walking over to Logan and lacing her fingers with his and walking through the crowded hallway.

I smiled and stated to walk to my science room.

Let Me Love You (Larry Stylinson) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now