Chapter 16

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Louis's POV

The light from the morning sun flooded my bedroom as I slowly opened my curtains. Monday had come around again and a dreaded going back to school. Harry was poorly so he wouldn’t be at school to stop Kendall and her followers from bulling me.

“Morning sunshine” My mum joked as I walked into the kitchen. I ignored her and sleepily sat down on one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen table. Quickly eating my cereal and washing my bowl, I trudged up the stairs to get ready for school.


“Morning loser where’s your boyfriend?” Kendall laughed along with her ‘friends’. “Kendall no need to be a-” the bell cut me off. Groaning I walked to my first and worst lesson of the day. Geography

Sitting down at the back (As usual) I got out my stuff and waited for the classroom to fill up with other students who would rather be anywhere else than here. After about 5 minutes of waiting the final student sat down and the lesson started. Geography was my worst subject and I didn’t really find it interesting and the teacher didn’t particularly like me, I don’t know why, so I didn’t by attention. About half way into the lesson I overheard a conversation between 2 of the popular girls “What are you doing over summer break?” she asked her friend. “Par-tay” the other one laughed writing on her hand. I totally forgot about summer break! Not that im bothered because it will probably be another holiday with me watching TV alone and the rest of my family on a holiday that I don’t get invited to. But, I hope, it will be different. A holiday full of lazy days with Harry. Then the bell rang cutting my thoughts off AGAIN. I stuffed my empty piece of paper and my pen in my bag and pushed my way through the hallways.


“So you will be performing on our first lesson when we come back. All of you will be performing so remember your lyrics and music sheets. You will be marked and this project will count towards your end of the year grades. Enjoy your holiday class” The teacher smiled opening the doors so we could merge into the crowd of people eager to get home to start their summer break.

I was kicking a stone down the path before I turned into Harry’s driveway.  “Hello Louis dear! Harry is sleeping at the moment but you can go upstairs” Anne greeted, letting me walk inside. I smiled at her before running upstairs to Harry’s bedroom. I found Harry sprawled over his bed, curls stuck messily to his forehead. I chuckled quietly at his appearance before climbing under the covers and cuddled up to his side. He started to stir not long after I climbed in. “Oh hi boo” He said, his voice thick with sleep. Wow that was hot. “Hey love you feeling better?” I asked sitting up climbing out of the bed. “Lou” Harry whined sitting up and rubbing his eyes.“Come cuddle with me” He demanded pulling me back into bed. “Watch it styles” I chuckled as he buried his head in my neck breathing deeply. “Haz..That..Tickles” I giggled pushing his head away from in my neck. He smirked “Is that so?” poking my ribs causing me to burst into a fit or giggles. “Ha-rry stop!” I giggled some more trying to swat his hands away. He smiled kissing my forehead “So…hows my boo doing” He asked placing kisses around my face. “ That’s what I should be asking you! So… Hows my Haz doing? Feeling any better?” I asked cuddling  up to his side again. “Im good. Got a bit of a sore throat and a headache but I should be better for tomorrow” he said wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head in my hair. We stayed in this position for a while before I had to leave. I said goodbye before walking into the cold and making my way home.

When I got in I flopped onto my bed. I was about to drift off before my phone started buzzing. Not looking at the caller I.D I accepted the call. “Hello?” I said into the phone “Hi Lou its Katie! Not seen or talked to you in a while. How ya doing?” She asked. “Im fine Kate how are you?” I asked sitting up against the wall “Im good” She huffed “Kate im sorry I haven’t talked or hung out with you in ages” I sighed. “Lou its fine I know you have been focusing on your relationship” She said and I could hear the smirk in her voice. “Hey” How about I take you out tomorrow?” I asked smiling. “Yeah sounds good” What time?” “Ill pick you up about 6” “Ok Lou see ya tomorrow” She said quickly before hanging up. Well…Better get planning tomorrow.

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