Chapter 5

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2K14 eh :)

Leah is Ariana Grande:)

Today's prom night. To be honest I'm not really looking forward to it. Everyone from school will be there and I'm not good in crowds. I got out of bed before cracking my joints and trudged into the bathroom to get a shower.

Once the temperature was right I stripped down and jumped in. 'Louis hurry up I'm going to be late to school! Lottie yelled through the door as she banged on it. I laughed and wrapped a towel round my waist and walked out to get dressed. After I was satisfied with my outfit I laid on my bed and my mind wandered to Prom.

'Right class I would like to read chapter 17 to 21 ready for your exam' my English teacher went on. The class groaned. I started to zone again looking at Harry, he had Kendall clinging onto his arm and whispering into his ear and you could clearly tell he was getting annoyed. Finally the class ended and everyone piling out of the tiny door eager to get ready for the 'biggest night of their lives'. I don't know why people think it's such a big deal it's just people dancing in fancy clothing. Maybe it's just me....

'There!' My mom smiled as she finished adjusting my blue striped tie. 'Perfect, your going to be a heart throb tonight boobear' she continued, pulling my black jacket over my shoulders

'Yeah, keep dreaming mum' I chuckled 'thanks' she passed me my phone that had been continuously ringing on and off ever since I got out of the bath.

'You'd better get that,boo..seems like someone really wants to talk to ya'

She left the room, closing the door shut behind her.

I looked at the caller ID, hum...unknown number. I answered it swiftly before they put the phone down again. I fluffed up my quiff some more.

Down the other end of the phone was a voice I did not recognise at first. Sobs and cries were all that was heard.

'Um...hello?..' I spoke to the receiver.

'Louis! You answered...' It was Leah

'W-what do you want Leah?' I stuttered, yet again. I really have to get my nerves under control.

'Louis, do you have a date to the prom yet?' She asked, sniffling

'Um...?' I was really confused at the conversation

'I just had a fight with Niall and now he's taking some other whore instead of me!' She started to cry again

'Please Lou, will you go with me?'

Wow...was this really happening? I was getting asked to the dance by Leah Anderson, one of the most popular girls in school, who was also another one of my bullies, was asking me to prom? I was bullied by most of the school to be honest, but Harry and his crew, and his bitchy girlfriend Kendall and her 'best friend' Leah are the main culprits.

'Lou?... You still there?'

'What? Oh um..yeah sorry'

I ran my hand through my hair

What about Katie? I'm sure she wouldn't mind...would she? I bet she has tonnes of guys asking her out, she is gorgeous after all.

Sighing I answered

'Okay, I'll go with you'

She gasped 'really!!!?' I could hear the sound of her heels clicking on the marble floor as she jumped up and down clapping her hands

'Oh! Thank you thank you thank'you!!'

'Um..' I chuckled 'I'll pick you up in half an hour'

'Okay! See ya, Lou!'

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