Chapter 14

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“But Harry I cant play football” I wined picking blades of grass at throwing them behind my back “Cmon Lou ill show you” Harry begged kicking the ball towards my feet. “Fine but don’t laugh” I sighed positioning myself.


“You were really bad” Harry laughed starting his car. “Hey I told you I was bad and you promised not to laugh” I pouted “I’m sorry Lou” he apologised. The car ride was silent and I saw my house come into view “Well this is my stop” I said unbuckling my seatbelt “Hey your not going home yet” Harry said driving past my house leaving it in the shadows. I wondered where we were going but Harry wouldn’t tell me so I just sat back in the seat and stared out of the window at the other cars

“Lou wake up we are here” Harry whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I hadn’t even realised I had fallen asleep until Harry was wildly shaking my shoulders in attempt to wake me. Rubbing my eyes and cracking my back I climbed out of the car and looked at the building in front of me. A diner? Inside it was like a 1950’s diner with black and white ceramic tiles. In the corner was a red and yellow jukebox with red cushioned booths and yellow tables and a 3 lane bowling alley with a dance floor next to it. Harry led me to a booth at the far end of the diner where it was quieter. “So wotcha having to eat?” He asked quickly scanning before putting it down and smiling. Before I could answer one of the waitresses skated over with a notebook. She was wearing the typical 1950’s style dress with her hair tied back in a simple bun. “Hello and welcome to Shelley’s diner, what can I get you to eat” She said with a warm smile. “burger and chips please” I smiled folding the menu and giving it back to her “and what drink?” she said wrting down my order “er… a vanilla milkshake please” I blushed feeling Harry’s gaze on the side of my head. “And you sir?” She asked Harry “Ill have the same please” “And drink?” “Coke please” He smiled folding the menu and handing it to her she smiled again before skating into the kitchen. “Are you ok with me getting a milkshake?” I asked looking down at the dull yellow table. “Of course boo” He said using childhood nickname, wait how did he know it? “How did you know my chi-” I started “I saw your mum call you boo in a text” he cut me off. “Oh” I blushed looking down again.

Things had gotten worse at home over the past week. My dad was getting drunk more often and he has even started to abuse my mum and sisters. It was when I finally came out to my family


It was a Tuesday night and I had decided to tell one of my biggest secret. “Mum,Dad I have something to tell you” I said bringing them into the living room and sitting on the settee. I was so nervous, my whole body was shaking. “What is it boo?” Mum asked me sitting in the chair across from me with dad by her side. “Well I don’t really know how to explain it so im just going to get straight to the point” I paused looking at my parents motioning for me to continue. I closed my eyes and took I deep breath. “Im Gay….” I opened my eyes and look at my parents once again. My mum came and hugged my tightly “Boo im so happy you told us” She gushed freeing me. I turned to my dad who was red with anger. I gulped. “WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS!” He spat in my face. “You are a disappointment to this family! You are a freak of nature. Its not right for guys to like other guys! Guys should like girls and have kids! I am making you an appointment at the doctors tomorrow to get you cured!” He shouted pushing me harshly.


The rest of the night was a blur and all I remember was crying myself to sleep.

“Loooouis” Harry sang waving his hand in front of my face “Sorry” I muttered quietly snapping out of my daze. “Its ok do you want to talk about it? You kinda looked like you was about to cry” He asked placing his slightly larger hand over my small one. I ignored the question and turned to see the same waitress skating towards us with our order FINALLY I’m starving!

“Thanks Harry I had fun today” I smiled walking out of the diner turning to harry and looking into his green eyes that sparkled in the light of the streetlights. “Im glad but its not over yet”. What else does he have planned?

Harry’s POV

I want to take Louis to the movies. I’ve been planning this all week. Im going to take Louis to watch a horror movie so, from previous experiences, he will get scared and cuddle close. I dragged him in the car and drove down the road towards the cinema. I purchased the tickets and pushed Louis into the Screen and sat at the back. Not long after the film had started Louis was clung to my arm. I smiled and continued to watch the movie with a scared Louis clung to my arm


“Thanks again Harry I’ve had a great time” Louis  said rummaging in his pocket for his keys . “Want to do it again?” I asked before grabbing both his hands and holding them close to my chest. “Sure I wo-” he started before I cut him off by kissing him. God he has no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that. When we pulled away I finally picked up the courage to do something I’ve wanted to do since I bumped into him. Well… here goes. “Louis Tomlinson, Would you make me the happiest person alive by becoming my boyfriend?”

NOTE: I dont believe in anything i wrote in the flashback.

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