Chapter 9

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When science class was over it was time for the last class of the day. Music.

I was usually one of the first people to get to my music room, because most of the other students hated music, and couldn't care less if they were late.

But when I walked in Harry was already sat down in his seat waiting for class to start.

Looking up he saw me enter the room. He smiled and waved at me. Smiling back I took my seat near the wall of the class room.

I felt Harry's eyes on me throughout most of the time we were waiting for the class to fill up. And every so often I would glance at him. Taking in every detail on his perfect face.

Slowly but surely the class started to fill up

'Alright class!' The teacher attempted to get our attention

'As you know we have been doing a lot of musical production work lately,' she rambled

I looked over at Harry, his face deep in concentration. I started at him, almost drowning out what the teacher was saying.

Harry turned his head and looked at me. He smiled then rolled his eyes at the teachers boring speech. Covering my mouth I giggled at Harry's rude remark towards the teacher, something I've never done in my entire life.

I turned to face the front again to listen to what mrs. Had to say.

'But all that hard work was not all for nothing!' Mrs. Exclaimed.

Usually the other members of my music class, including Harry, talk all the time durning music lessons.

Behind me I heard their conversations

'Have you seen that Louis new hair style?!' One girl squeaked

'Oh my god yeah! He looks so hot and dangerous now!'

'I know right! Maybe we should talk to him later?!'

Smirking, I chuckled.

Until I heard another jock conversation behind me

'Hey, look at the Fag over there,'

One deep voice laughed

'Yeah, I bet he changed his hair to get more guys, even girls.' They threw a scrunched up piece of paper at my head.

'Oh! Nice throw bro!' They high-fived each other

'Hey! Hey gay-wad! Hey, you dirty fag! Don't ignore me!' One of them shouted as I kept my head down.

'I said-'

'Hey, dick heads!' Harry's voice boomed

'Why don't you guys go fuck yourselves and leave Louis alone!' His fists banged on the table

'Oh so you guys are on first name basis now huh?' Riley smirked

'You wanna fucking go?!' Harry stood up from his seat

'Alright boys that enough! Mr. Styles please sit back down. ' shouted Mrs. Thompson

Harry threw himself down onto his chair. When he looked at me I mouthed a thank you to him. Harry nodded in return.

'Any way where was I? Ah, yes. The project! At the end of these next two weeks there is a summer holiday. After that school holiday there will be a huge music project!'

The class groaned.

'But before then! We are going to be paired up and do a practice run! So that we all know what we are doing before the big finale!'

Let Me Love You (Larry Stylinson) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now