Chapter 6

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Yay another update!!:D

There's probably mistakes

Oh well no-ones perfect

Another LONG day at that hell hole of a school.'LOUIS' my dad slurred as I dropped my bag on the kitchen table. 'Where the fuck have you been?' He cursed gripping my wrist tight pulling me towards him.I could smell the vile taste of alcohol on his breath. 'Out' I managed to breathe out as he had hold of my neck. 'Leave him alone' I heard my mum shout from behind us and I fell to the ground gasping for air.

Once my breathing had steadied I got up and found my dad throwing plates around the house and knocking over furniture. I didn't want to get hurt so I went upstairs to check on the girls.I heard loud sobs from the bottom of the stairs. running into the twins' room I found Daisy and Phoebe sobbing into Lottie's and Fizzy's shoulder. Daisy quickly looked up and ran towards me and hugged my legs.Phoebe soon followed.

'Louis' Daisy sobbed 'make it stop I don't like it' I hated seeing them cry. I finally calmed then but a shattering sound came from downstairs followed by the door slamming which scared them and they started crying again. 'Shhh' I soothed rocking from side to side and Lottie did the same to Phoebe. 'Ill see what's goi-' Fizzy started 'no I'll look after Daisy I'll go' I spoke handing a now sleeping Daisy to her and walking silently down the stairs. Soft cries was coming from the kitchen 'mum...?' I said walking into the kitchen. I gasped all the cupboards were empty and the plated and cups were shattered on the floor. The table was tipped over and the water from the vase run in tracks over the kitchen floor. 'What happened?' I asked running to my mum who was sat on the floor picking up the bits of plates. 'I-I have no idea Yo-Your farther came home drunk and started throwing stuff' she sobbed into my shoulder. 'Be strong' I thought quickly wiping tears from my eyes with my spare hand.'Come on ill tidy this up while you go to look like you need some sleep' I whispered into her ear helping her up. 'Thanks love' she sniffled kissing my check and slowly walking up the stairs

'Finally' I sighed plopping down on the sofa. I had cleaned the broken plates from the kitchen and had placed new ones in their places. As nothing was on the TV I decided to go for a walk. I quickly scribbled a note for my mum letting her know where is was before slipping on my shoes and coat and walking out of the door.

It was about 9:00 so the park was empty except some couples walking hand in hand under the moonlight. Like always I sat under a tree and looked up to the stars. I looked down and felt a tear roll down my cheek.Why was life so hard?

'Hey hey don't cry' a voice spoke behind me. 'Ha-Harry?' I sobbed looking into his bright green eyes. I watched as he knelt down in front of me and wiped away the tears with the pad of his thumb. 'Wh-what are you doing here?' I asked trying to stop my cries. He didn't answer he only laid down next to me and tapped his hand on the ground 'lay down' he whispered and I obliged looking back up at the stars before saying 'Beautiful isn't it? i like how every star lines up and makes a shape or pattern in the the sky'. I heard Harry chuckle next to me and I turned onto my side to face him 'what?' I asked propping myself up on my elbow 'nothing...I think it's cute when you talk all nerdy' he replied smiling. Wait..Cute? 'T-thanks' I stuttered,why does he have this effect on me? We turned to look at the sky but I soon felt Harry cuddled up to me. I can't believe it THE Harry Styles the popular footie player was cuddled up to my side. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. We stayed like this until I looked at my phone and decided it was time to go home 'Harry I really should be going home' I sighed trying to escape from Harry's grip. He wined but crawled on top of me holding himself up with his hands. His lips ghosted over mine and my breath hitched in my throat. Was he going to kiss me? 'Harry wha-' before I finished he kissed me. I felt sparks and I'm sure he did too but didn't he have a girlfriend? Before I could think I pushed him off and stood up. 'Louis' he wined 'no Harry you have a girlfriend' I pointed out 'and if this is some sick joke you are playing then you got your laugh now I should be going' I finished before zipping up my coat and walking away leaving Harry sat under the tree. 'Lou wait' he called 'no Louis it's a trap don't let him get you this time' I thought zipping my coat further up to my face.But what if it isn't a joke?

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