Chapter 1

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I loved him

I loved everything about him. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he would speak. Everything about him was fascinating to me and each day failed to disappoint. I didn't know why I was so drawn to him but I was. I had denied at first just because being gay isn't exactly an accepted thing in South Korea or in a lot of places around the globe. Knowing this somehow didn't change me. Knowing that I was going against a lot of people for being myself didn't matter as much as I thought it would. But I had an intense attraction to a boy named Min Yoongi.

"Jimin. Hello? Earth to Jimin." Namjoon said to me. I looked over at him and he was sitting next to Jin on one side, Hoseok on the other. We were all on the living room floor sitting in a circle where multiple junk foods resided in the middle. The rug we were sitting on was a minty green. The order of the circle was Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and me. Namjoon was holding a menu and his phone so I inferred he was making an order.

"Anything you can afford." I answered.

"Aw. That's really considerate, Jimin." Namjoon said.

Yoongi put his arm around my shoulders. "AWW! JImin's so cuuute!"

Taehyung ruffled my hair and the other members started cooing about how cute I was.

"Guys it's not that serious." I laughed.

"No really," Hoseok said with his mouth full of churro. " You are so sweet and kind to us. How do you not have a girlfriend?"

I winced a little bit. I wasn't sure if he knew I was gay...or if ANY of the members knew. Even if they hadn't, now wasn't the time for them to find out.

I only said "eh.. Busy schedule."

"Oh, whatever! We all have been just as busy as you and Taehyung  has an online gf." Jungkook said reaching in the bowl of M&M's.

"I don't even think that's allowed. Is it?" Jin asked.

"Who cares? Boys need love." Taehyung said, justifying himself.

I laughed at my best friend. I loved all the members in great portions but Taehyung was number one. He does everything with me. He's always been there for me, even when I wasn't there for myself. I'm forever thankful for his soul being aligned with mine.

"By the way! Guys! Remember that girl with the pretty face from that girl group?" Namjoon asked us.

We all nodded and murmured in agreement.

"I got her number." He said triumphantly.

"AHH! International playbooooy!" Jungkook exclaimed, high fiving Namjoon.

"Namjoon. You KNOW those girls aren't allowed to have boyfriends." Jin said alarmingly.

"Who said anything about being a boyfriend? I'm just tryna smash."

"AHHH!" We all yelled. Taehyung started laughing really hard while clapping and Yoongi was also laughing but shaking his head. Jungkook high fived him again.

"UNbelievable." Jin said.

Hoseok swatted Namjoon. "Where are your MORALS?"

"I'm KIDDING. Goodness." Namjoon said playfully putting his hands up. " I surrender."

"Okay so, Tae has a girl, Namjoon has a girl.." Jungkook paused. "Hoseok where you at?"

"I'm waiting on the right chick."

"Hoseok is just salty he doesn't get any ladies." Yoongi commented. He put his arm around

Hoseok. " Hating isn't the way. If anything you should be asking for tips."

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