Chapter 14 - Yoongi

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“A to the G to the U to the STD, I’m D boy, because I’m from the D.”

“Sounds good so far.” Hoseok said.

Him, Namjoon, Pdogg And I were working on a rapper line project while the vocal line did the same in a different location. Pdogg was one of our producers and has been with us for a couple years. We had taken a break from it and started talking about my mixtape.

Pdogg broke in. “Okay but what do you do after the repetition? So it's like A to the G to the U to the STD,”

“A to the G to the U to the STD,” Pdogg said again but with Namjoon doing it too.

“A to the G to the U to the STD,” Everyone in the room now said. Hoseok pointed at me when the silent part came.

“Ya’ll know ya’ll get turned on by my tongue technology.” I finished.

“OHHH!” Everyone shouted.

“Wicked! Did you come up with that just now?!” Hoseok exclaimed.

“I did!” I said triumphantly.

“No he didn't.” Namjoon shot down. “That was definitely premeditated if I've ever seen it before.”

“Oh please. Your jealousy is apparent, sir.”

“Oh yeah?” He challenged.

“Without a doubt. But I get it. You should be jealous of a genius.”

“Yeah, Namjoon, why you hatin? You feel the need to tear down his mixtape because it's better than yours?” Hoseok asked.

“Ooh.” I said with the side of my fist to my mouth.

“You released what now? A singular song? I don't wanna hear it from you.” Namjoon dismissed him.

“I only need one song to show off my greatness.” Hoseok said, confidently.

“Off of a beat you didn't make?” Namjoon asked.

“Oh, you wanna go there? Well, I don't know about you, but ‘Do You’ sounds an awful lot like ‘Aerosol Can’ to me.” Hoseok retorted.


My cellphone rang. My sister.

“One sec guys. I need to take this.” I said, walking out to a more vacant hallway and preparing myself for a earful.

I slide the green call icon to the right and put it to my ear.

“Hi Hae.”

“Hello, brother that never calls.” she said deadpan.

“Sorry, I’ve been really caught up.”

“Would it hurt to answer my texts once in awhile? I know you've looked at your phone since Tuesday.”

“If you called to be a salty bitch, then I’m hanging up.”

“K bye.”

“I’m joking. What do you need?” I laughed.

“To know what's going on. When were you gonna tell me your gay lover died? I didn't even know you were gay?”

“Don't believe the things you hear on TV.”

“So what do I believe then?” She inquired.

“What I tell you. And I tell you to not believe anything you've heard or seen beyond me okay?”

“I’ll bite, but tell that to your worried sick mother.”

“Just tell her that everything is okay, alright?”

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