Chapter 4

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l opened my eyes and I was greeted with the sweet smell of maple and the feel of extremely comfy sheets. Without realizing, I had been hugging a Kumamon plushie. I hadn't owned one so I looked around and discovered I was in a different room altogether.

There were posters of american rappers along with inspirational quotes and drawings. The room was black and white; the bed I was laying in had white and black covers. In the corner there was a cabinet with a see through door, books and music albums inside. An empty chair was next to the cabinet in front of a desk in which a running laptop resided on. There had been a rap music video on pause. I never knew he had such a great sense of style.

Yoongi had been in his closet rummaging through the clothes hangers. I sat up and stretched while observing him. He looked my direction.

"You're up."

"What is going on?" I asked through a yawn.

"You drank a lot last night. Like a LOT. You could barely stand." he answered, getting a jacket out.

"Really?" I asked surprised. I hadn't remembered drinking that much. I don't really drink at all so why get wasted? My failure in remembering solidated what he said.

"Yeah. I brought you up here so that you can rest."

"Thank you." I said. I was a little surprised by his sudden care but it also made me feel warm inside.

"You're welcome." He said tossing something to me. It had been a box of Pepero.

A thought occurred to me.

"Why didn't you just take me to my room?"

"Too much work." He replied. I had a feeling he was being truthful because he was , in fact, the laziest person I've ever met.

"I slept here and you slept-"

"Don't read into it." He brushed it off. "Jungkook gave you my letter right?"

"Yeah." I said opening the box.

"Well, today is you and me." He smiled.

"Explain." I said taking a stick out and biting it.

"I wanted to spend time with you. Only times we hang out are with the other members. I wanted some one on one. You know? We can build a stronger bond or something."

I decided here that Yoongi had no idea how I felt about him. It sounded like a date to me but he just wanted brotherly time. I loved the idea of spending time with Yoongi so I grew pleased with it.

" What do you want to do?"

" We should go to the boardwalk. We can go now if you put your clothes on." He nodded toward me.

I blushed as I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt and covered myself with the blanket quickly. He tossed me a shirt with A$AP Rocky on it and I put it on swiftly.

We made it out to the boardwalk and there were a lot of people there. Sisters with brothers, friends with friends, mothers with kids, uncles with their nieces and nephews, grandparents trying to get a nice walk in the day. You name it. Then there was us. A gay and a hetero taking the town on like no other.

We spent the day playing games and riding rides. Eating cotton candy and making terrible jokes.

We were at a water gun station and Yoongi had gotten more targets.

"Haha! You lost. I won! You're the moon, I'm the sun. AYYEEE." he gloated.

"Shut up."

The person running the game rewarded Yoongi with a small sized stuffed bear.

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