Chapter 3

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//Yikes this is short. I'm sorry hahah. I just wanted to update ya. The story will get rlly good I promise//

"Lick it off?"

"No." I said disgustedly.

Hoseok had dipped his finger in the batter of the cake he was making. He put his finger in his own mouth since i had refuted it.

"Uuugh. This tastes so good. You wouldn't know though." He said.

"Okay fine." I said grabbing the spoon. I scooped up a bit and put the spoon in the sink.

It tasted wonderful. The perfect mix of vanilla and chocolate and I started to question if he was a better cook than Jin.

But I liked teasing him. "EW! What even is this? You call this food? This is pure garbage."

"Like your singing?" Namjoon had entered the kitchen and walked past us to get to the cabinet. He had passed the table behind us that had wings, kimchi, sushi and other foods.

"Like your mixtape?" I countered.

"Oh please. You know that was straight fire." Namjoon affirmed.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that no one bought it."

"You CAN'T buy it. Its free."

"Because it's not worth anything?"

"No, because it's priceless." Namjoon bickered.

"Ah Namjoon don't waste your time. Jimin is just mad that he can't dance." Hoseok broke in. He started doing choreo to "Touch My Body- Sistar" and I joined him. Namjoon started laughing at us.

"Okay, but spill the batter and I'm beating both of you." Jin said walking in. He was holding a large rectangular box of candies and Jungkook was trailing right behind him.

"Please Jin! Only one!" Jungkook pleaded. Jin turned around and tapped the box.

"rooOOf PAArtyyy" He sounded out. I heard the sound of Namjoon pulling out decorations.

"Yeah when is that?" Hoseok asked taking a wing out of the several in the bowl.

"Tonight." Jin answered.

"I know that. Who's hosting this year?" Hoseok asked now biting the wing he stole.

Jin widened his eyes. "YOU are."

Hoseok choked on his wing and coughed it on the floor. "I'm doing WHAT?"

"How did you not know?! You have so much planning to do." Jin scolded him.

"It's a little late for that for THAT isn't it?"

"It's" Namjoon looked at his watch. "3:07. You have till nine so..whatever you can get done in that time period we'll work with. Right Jin?"

"Yeah. okay then." Jin said. He had simmered down a lot.

"I'll go right now." Hoseok left the room. I began to wonder how much he would truly be able to accomplish in that amount of time while pouring the cake batter into the pan. A thought struck me.

"Where's Yoongi?.....and Taehyung." I asked, trying to divert my direct worry of Yoongi.

"They're at the store getting snacks." Jin answered me. He was now whisking something in a bowl but it was hard to make out what it was.

"Wait, you sent them there?" Namjoon asked, seemingly surprised.

Jin nodded.

"Alone?" I asked

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