Chapter 17- Jimin/Taehyung

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Bittersweet is the best explanation.

I loved seeing my family. My brother was happiest to see me, I think more than my mother. As soon as word got out to the family everyone was at my mother's house to see me. Even a lot of my friends. People I hadn't seen in years. I cared about them more than my own life. I wanted them to be the happiest they could be. For the next several days I had been so sidetracked and happy with the familiar faces around me that I wasn't so upset about leaving Bangtan. I realized I needed this break.

Unfortunate fact was, it was permanent.

I sat on my bed with Yoongi's hoodie on. It still smelled like him and kept me warm. I held the teddy bear for a while too and thought about Yoongi. I wonder what he's doing right now. I hope he's okay.

"What are you up to?" My brother Jihyun asked my doorway.

I stood up, realizing I got sidetracked. "I was.. well I was on my way to the store. I wanted a smoothie and there's like no fruit in this house."

"Probably because you ate it all."

"Potato potahto." I said putting on my jacket and walking out of the room.

"Be careful!" He called after me.

"Yeah yeah. I'm gonna trip to my death. Later."

I heard him laugh as I shut the door.

I made it to the store and got a bunch of fruits and other healthy foods in my basket. I was examining some mangos before I heard a voice.

"Park Jimin from Busan. Korea Arts High School.Class of 2014. Now a member of Bangtan Sonyeondan, buying mangos in a middle class store."

"Good to see you Eun. What brings you to the grocery store anyways?" I asked her.

She held up the two colorful bags in her right hand. "Fruit snacks for the boys."

"You still babysit?" I asked.

"Unfortunately." She playfully sighed. "Only way I can make money that is less sucky than other jobs. It's been so LONG."

"It has. How are you?" I asked.

"Well all my bodily systems work fine but I always feel like life could be better. What about you?" She asked. "Don't you have a thing to perform at?"

"Taking a break for a while. It's pretty tiring." I lied.

"You would get tired of living that life?" She asked.

"It's much more than what it is on the surface. There's a lot of work to put in"

"Sounds incredibly boring and not my type." She said.

We both shared a laugh.

"I remember we used to always have conversations about one of us making it big or both of us as an item. Then you left me to go train. But one day, in my kitchen, I turn on my TV and I see this group called BTS. They're just up there singing and doing it big but I see a familiar face. 'No way is that PARK JIMIN?!?'. The same one who was in my class, the same person who was annoying me about what notes we had on what subject was dancing and singing on National Television! You were on the radio! I heard your songs playing when I was buying milk."

I laughed a bit. "Hahaha. how much was the milk?"

"Free.99. Turns out my book bag is hella roomy."

We both laughed again.

"Yeah. I was happy for you, seeing you on the big screen, but I also learned how irrelevant I was to you." Eun said.

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