Chapter 5

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"Why won't you die?!" Jin exclaimed.

"I'm too good." Namjoon answered.

All 7 of us were in the living room in front of the television. Namjoon and Jin had been playing a fighting game and all of us who weren't playing watched eagerly to see who would win.

"Uh ohhhhhh!" We all said as Jin's character prepared a finishing move.

"nOPE! Hit that right on em! Hit that left on em! Hit that left on em." Namjoon yelled.

"OHHHHH!" We all shouted as Jin's character rung out Namjoon's character. Jin did a victory pose.

"That's cheating!" Namjoon complained, standing up.

"How is it cheating?" Jin asked.

"1% health," He said pointing to Jin. "95% health" He pointed to himself. "One punch and I die"

"If the ring out wasn't meant to be used, it wouldn't have been implemented into the game." Jin justified himself.

"That's not fair!" Namjoon continued.

"Point is: you lost. Hand it over, controller warrior." Yoongi said with his hand out.

Yoongi was distant from me. He wouldn't interact with me as much and every time I tried to talk to him he was bland and stand offish. I decided it was best to leave him alone. I still wanted to let Iselle know before something slipped out and I had plans on telling her today.

But was I really ready to do that? Would Yoongi hate me for it?

Namjoon unwillingly gave him the controller and Yoongi took it from him. He sat down on the couch and Jin snorted.

"What's funny?" Yoongi asked.

"All you do is button mash. This'll be easy."

"Haha. okaayyy." Yoongi entertained.

Jin was no challenge. Yoongi won without a scratch on him.

"HAHAHAH!" Namjoon exaggerated.

"Good one!" I said, holding my hand up for a high five. He looked at my hand and turned around.

"Wow, okay." I said jokingly. However I was serious.

I decided to brush it off and go about my normal day.


Jungkook set up the fire cause the golden maknae can do anything.

Outside, we all sat on the furniture around the fire. I made sure to sit next to Yoongi and he seemed fine with it. Home videos that Jin filmed were projected on the side of the trailer. We all sat together watching, giggling a couple times when we saw something funny and eating popcorn.

During the movies Taehyung played games with Jungkook while Hoseok and Jin fell asleep. Namjoon was hugging his knees while talking to one of the trainees that had been dancing with us. They both had their eyes on the screen and leaned over to make what they said more audible to one another.

I looked over at Yoongi and he was sitting down, laughing to himself from Taehyung falling in the pool on screen.

I loved seeing him happy.

A bird flew near my head causing me to jump. On impulse ,I hugged Yoongi's shoulders in fear. For a moment he didn't move. I had just stayed there. He started breathing heavily and his teeth were clenched as he was staring off into the distance.

He threw my arm off of him, stood up and stormed off. Confused and embarrassed I started tearing up. I didn't want any of the boys to see me cry so I needed to leave too.

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