Chapter 19

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“Jimin You're leaving so early!” Mom complained as she hugged me a few feet from her front porch.

“I’m gonna miss you a lot mom.”

“Don't miss me.” She pulled back and hit my arm. “Just come visit more often.”

“Ah!” I said rubbing my arm.

Namjoon and Hoseok passed by us both with my luggage and took it to the van.

“You're actually right. I do need to swing by more often.” I agreed.

“Don't do anything else stupid, okay?”

I sighed. “I promise ma.”

She kissed my head and made her way back into the house.

I gave my brother the biggest hug. He patted my back and said “For once, listen to mom.”


Mom came back out with bags of cookies and gave some to me, Namjoon and Hoseok, addressing us as she gave them out. “My baby Jiminn, My angel Hoseok, and for my handsome troublemaker Namjoon.”

“Thank you, Ms Park.” Namjoon said flattered.

“Thank you!” Hoseok said examining the bag.

Mom gave my cheek several kisses and wouldn't let go of me.

“Mom I can't miss the flight.”

“Oh right! Right!” She acknowledged, Finally letting me go.

We started to pile up in the van.

“Be careful! Eat lots of food. Don't stay up too late. Drink a lot of water too!” My mom called out.

Bless her soul.

“I love you!” I called out.

“I love you more!” My mom shouted.

Namjoon drove us away. I made a promise to myself to visit more and to stay in contact.

Like that, I was on my way to our dorm again.

Holy shit.

When I got there the rest of the members hugged me excluding Yoongi who wasn't there for obvious reasons.

I’m back.

Even though I never left.

That’ll never get old.

I missed the smell of the dorm. It always smelled like some sort of fruit. I was never so happy to smell it like I was now.

The dance room, the studio, the recording room. I was so happy seeing people moving The Head’s stuff out of PD-nim’s office.

I couldn't help but feel the empty spot while I practiced.

Yoongi was still my everything. I hope he’s alright in there.

Before I worry about him though, there's something I need to do.


“You're not making me do this.” Taehyung said to me.

“I am making you do this.”

“But like….not actually.”

“Oh trust me. I am.”

“I can’t do this. It's too weird.” He said, starting to walk off of Iselle’s porch but I held a grip on him.

“No. You're here. You're doing this.”

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