Chapter 11

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"Can you tell us about Min Yoongi and Park Jimin's relationship?"

"Are they truly together?"

"Are those the two members in the photos?"

"Do you know if they've engaged in sexual relations?"

"Okay please. Just STOP." an irritated Taehyung said. Reporters and paparazzi had been sticking microphones in our faces and flashing their cameras, bombarding us all with questions. We were trying to make it back home but it had become impossible to get from point A to point B.

Namjoon pulled on Taehyung's jacket so that he was closer to him while we all walked. The reporters did the same thing to him.

"Is the picture authentic?"

"Are there any other members that are romantically inclined?"

"Is it true that this is a violation of your entrance contract?"

"No comment." He told them.

Jungkook really disliked crowds so he just hung his head while people shoved questions down his throat. I went to help him but Taehyung was there before I was. He escaped the grasp of our leader and held onto our maknae.

"Mr. Park Jimin." one of the reporters said next to me. "Are you-"

"Leave the man alone." Hoseok said. He stood next to me so that I was closest to the other members as we walked.

What felt like forever was probably two minutes and we made it to our front door.

"Wait! Just a few questions, Mr-"

We all piled in and Jin slammed the door. "I can't keep doing this."

"You and me both." Jungkook said.

Namjoon went to one of the rooms and all of us settled in.

"Hello, Crowd Control?" Taehyung asked.

I turned my head and he had his phone to his ear. "We have a disturbance at our home." he looked at me "..again."

Yoongi sighed in exhaustion and plopped on the couch, closing his eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Mhm. Yupp. Alright. Bye." Taehyung hung up. "Ten minutes."

"This is ridiculous. I'm seriously so tired of this." Hoseok said.

"Well do you have a solution?" I asked impatiently.

"No. But-"

"Okay. You really like to complain so I thought you had an idea."

"Can we not?" Jin asked

"Why can't we all just get along?" a voice said behind us. We all turned and discovered who it was.

The Head.

He walked from the direction of our rooms with his black tux and gold watches on. Hair slicked back with some overpriced gel. I could smell his light hint of cologne. No one knew his real name excluding PD-nim and I knew if he leaked it to us he'd be fired on the spot. Those were his rules. I could count on my hand how many times I had seen him in person.

"How the fuck did you even get in?" Taehyung asked.

"Woooah. That language." The head said walking into the kitchen grabbing himself a cup. "If that were caught on camera Bangtan would be done for GOOD."

He had a sense of sarcasm that wasn't hard to grasp. His aura was menacing, even though I knew for a fact he wouldn't harm anyone.

He continued talking and poured himself some of the alcoholic beverage left over from the roof party. "I mean first, people would scream at me for not keeping you in check and demand an apology. To which I would have to make one of you, probably Namjoon," he said directing his glass to him. "stand for the rest of the group and give a public apology. I would probably have to make you remember something awful in your life beforehand so that you would cry because crocodile tears are transparent nowadays."

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