Chapter 18

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I waited outside of The Head’s office in one of the comfy chairs, where I found myself often. I was exhausted despite not having done much. After the Eun situation, I had made my way back to the house. Some time had passed and #ALL7 came to light. My family had wondered if it was me so I finally decided to tell the truth. They were surprisingly accepting and didn't treat me any different.

I was afraid for nothing.

Jin had called me afterwards saying that Taehyung was feeling like garbage since I was away. Somehow him and Namjoon were able to devise a plan. I flew out and, next thing you know, I was performing with them. It felt awesome being onstage again! I hadn't done that in weeks.

The reality of the situation still sits though. Whether I liked it or not, I wasn't in BTS anymore and there was nothing I could do. Only reason I was in Big Hit now was because The Head called a meeting. I was certain it was about my surprise stage visit, but maybe this would give me a chance. Maybe I could sway his decision. I don't know what on earth I could say but it was worth a try right?

Then Yoongi.

He’s in jail still. As far as I know anyways. Will he be gone temporarily? Is he kicked for good as well? I didn't know his situation.

The only thing I knew was that I missed him.

And like that he dominated my thoughts. The things a person can do to another. I started replaying in my mind memories I had with him.

It was a free day and everyone went out to do their own thing. Yoongi stayed at the place I called a dorm but wasn't really a dorm. It was more like a one story mini house because everyone had their own rooms and whatever but dorm rolls off the tongue better.

I stayed with him but he was being incredibly boring.  He was sitting on the couch and I had been next to him. The movie was playing on TV but he was consumed in his phone. i poked him a few times but he didn't acknowledge it.

It was bugging me.

I stood up from my seat and stood in front of where he was sitting then leaned down . I lightly pushed my left knee between his legs and put my other knee on the other side of his left leg. I moved his phone down from in front of his face. His mouth opened slightly and he gave me a quick up and down glance from how close I was to him.

At first I didn't say anything. He gave another up and down glance as if he couldn't help himself. Then he looked around the room.


“Focus on meee.” I pouted.

The normal nature returned so Yoongi laughed and rolled his eyes. “Why?”

“Because I want attentionnnn!” I sprawled out across his lap.

“Wha-get off of me, you weirdo.” Yoongi said before pushing me off of him. It wasn't a very far drop so it didn't hurt when I fell.

I clung onto his legs.

“Jimin..” He said with a laugh. “You are so…”

“I’ll only let go if you pay attention to me.”

“Why do you want my attention so bad, freak?” He asked trying to free his legs.

“I like interacting with you.” I answered honestly.

“That doesn't answer why you're on the floor holding onto my legs.” He retorted.

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