Chapter 10

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"Romeo oh Romeo. can thou telleth me if I'm thy bae," I clicked my tongue. "Or nah."

"Such an old meme." Yoongi groaned. We were both in Yoongi's room. He had been laying on his bed while I was stood at the foot of it eating Yan Yan.

"You're an old meme." I countered.

"Terrible comeback."

"Your dad should've pulled out."

"What did you say?" Yoongi sat up.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Oh okay. I thought, for a moment, that you said something slick."

I put down my Yan Yan and crawled on top of him "And if i had?"

"Then we would have a problem and I'd have to solve it."

"Should I like the sound of that?"

"Shut up." He said before pulling me down and kissing me. He really was a kissing god. I've been kissed by a good amount of people but not quite like him. He ran his fingers through my hair with one hand and moved his fingertips down my back with the other. He slid his hand down to my butt, causing me to giggle against his lips.

I heard the door open and Yoongi pushed me to the side, off the bed. I landed on my side and I heard the door-opener speak.

"Hello there," The voice of Jin." I was just seeing if you were alri-why is he on the floor?"

I looked over at Jin, who had been pointing at me.He wore a black shirt and grey sweatpants.

"I like the smell down here." I said. It was the first thing I could think of. I should probaby think more of what I say.

"Right...anyways," He moved on. "We have a fan meet so get dressed and all that great stuff, yeah?"

"Gotcha." Yoongi answered.

Jin took another look at me and closed the door. Yoongi rolled over and offered his hand. "Sorry."

I grabbed it and got off the floor, dusting myself off while I stood.

"You're good." I said. "I'm gonna go get ready now."


After the fanmeet We all broke into different cars: Namjoon and Jin, Taehyung with Jungkook and Hoseok. Yoongi and I had been in the last car. We had been on the way to a resturaunt but I guess Yoongi felt saucy and decided to head to the studio. We weren't allowed to go to the studio during certain hours because of confidentiality.

"What are you doing?"

"I wanna take a looksie." He answered.

"You know its restricted at these hours."


"So?? So, we get caught, its our asses."

"We won't get caught. As far as they know," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "I'm The Head."

"Where did you get that?!" I asked incredulously.

"If I tell you, you're now a part of it." He informed me.


"I'll be back." He said.

He opened his door and got out of the car. He unlocked the studio door and slipped inside. I deeply sighed as I imagined all the scenarios of him getting caught. Maybe someone was already in there. Maybe he'll make it apparent that he's been there. What if there was some kind of alarm trigger? I grew antsy and hoped he knew what he was doing.

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