Chapter 6

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"She WHAT?" Taehyung asked me in disbelief.

"I know. This is insane." I said.

"She WAS a coverup. See? Did I tell you or did I tell you?" Taehyung asked.

"It's probably to divert me because he doesn't like me back." I said softly.

"For the love of god, Yoongi HAS FEELINGS FOR YOU." Taehyung stressed.

"I don't even know. One moment he'll be telling me he isn't gay and the next he's winking at me or flirting or just straight up not talking to me. I'm debating if I even want to be a part of this anymore."

"Jimin don't give up! When have you EVER given up?" Taehyung pushed.

"I'm serious. What if he really isn't gay and it's all a lost cause?" I asked.

Taehyung thought for a moment."You have a point... Don't push but don't give up okay?"

"Okay." I told him.

Later that day we had another fanmeet. The fans were incredibly pretty and sweet. Yoongi sat next to me and occasionally he would say something funny and I would laugh but most of my time i was joking around with Hoseok. It was fun speaking directly to the fans.

Later we went out to a restaurant to eat and we all sat at a rectangular table. Jin,Taehyung, me and Hoseok were on one side while Namjoon,Jungkook and Yoongi were on the other.

Hoseok started poking my sides and tickling me making me laugh a lot.

"Stoooop." I told him, even though I secretly loved it. He eventually did. I laid my head on his shoulder while we all waited on our food. I looked over at everyone. Jungkook was on his phone visibly texting someone while Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon were in a convo that had them laughing really hard. Yoongi was looking at the ground. He seemed drained or irritated. I couldn't read his face.

I put my hand under Hoseok's chin and squished his cheeks. Each time I squeezed I would say "Boop". He let four of these happen before he grabbed my hand.

"Stop" he laughed.

"No because if HE were king then I would be queen and I'm not anyone's bitch." Namjoon had said. I decided to tune in to their conversation. Rather colorful one.

"I'm the fan favorite." Taehyung interjected.

"Uh no. That would be me." Jungkook said raising his finger.

"I'm the visual. I'm cuter than ALL of you." Jin said. They all sighed at him while he continued. "When people think of BTS, I'M what they think about."

"Cute people can be queen." I said.

"Yeah, I have to be the king. I'm the damn leader." Namjoon continued.

"Language." Jin said.

"Fuck shit bitch goddamn what the fuck." Namjooon said.

Jin reached over the table and attempted to hit Namjoon, but Namjoon was able to block it with his arm. "CHILL. We are in a public place."

Our food finally arrived. Jin had ordered the most food which wasn't a surprise.

Hoseok excused himself to the bathroom for a moment and Yoongi got up and sat next to me. "Have I showed you this?"

On his phone was a photo of Namjoon asleep in a weird position with no clothes on. I started dying laughing. Taehyung leaned over to look too and spit out his beverage.

"What's funny?" Jin asked.

"Long live," I started.

"THE KING." Taehyung, Yoongi and I said in unison before bursting into a fit of giggles and presenting the photo.

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