Let It Snow ;) (vmin)

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"Aish hyung, look at all the snow." Taehyung said with a hint of disgust. He loves the snow very much, but his other members were out in it tonight and he hoped they wouldn't get stuck on the way home later. Jimin was a bit under the weather, so when the other members headed out for work and then dinner they let Taehyung stay home with him. Jimin needed somebody there in case he felt worse.

"I really hope everyone is alright." Jimin said as he joined Taehyung by the window. It was coming down heavy and they could barely make out the shapes of the buildings around them. This was one of the worst snowstorms Seoul has had in years. Jimin shuffled away from the window to go back to his spot on the couch. He had a box of tissues and some hand sanitizer next to him. His cold wasn't that bad yet, but it was enough to keep him off his feet for now.

"So what do you wanna do Jiminie?" Taehyung asked as he sat down on the other side of their long semicircle couch.
"Hmmm. We've played lots of video games already and ate dinner...wanna watch a movie?" Taehyung's eyes lit up excitedly at the idea. He bounced up and down on the couch.
"What movie hyung?" He questioned. Jimin laughed at how excited Taehyung was. He was wearing a hoodie and sweats and his brown hair was a mess. He looked like a little kid.
"I don't care. You decide. But it has to be a Christmas movie!" Jimin shouted and let out a cough. Taehyung leaped from the couch and over to their movie box that had only Christmas movies in it.

"Oh gosh what to pick. There's so many options." Taehyung mumbled to himself. There was The Santa Clause, Elf, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and so much more!
"Taehyung-ah." Jimin called.
"Yes?" He asked turning around to look at Jimin. He looked worn out and pale and not so lively.
"Just pick one. We have plenty of time to watch more than one. It's only 5:00." He said. Taehyung nodded excitedly and grabbed the Rudolph movie. He put it in the DVD player and headed to his spot on the couch and curled up in a blanket.

Taehyung laughed along throughout the movie. Rudolph is one of his favorites. It always makes him smile! About halfway through he looked across the couch at Jimin and it looked like he was shivering.

"Are you cold Jiminie hyung?" Taehyung asked.
"A-a bit, but I'll be alright." He stuttered out. Taehyung shook his head and picked up his blanket to go sit next to Jimin on the couch.

"Tae what are you-" Jimin was cut off when the younger began to cling to him like a koala bear.
"Shh hyung. You are very cold." Jimin smiled and pulled the two blankets up around them and snuggled into Taehyung's chest. He was feeling better already.

When that movie was over Jimin reluctantly let Taehyung go to put in another movie. Taehyung decided on Frosty the Snowman. Jimin laughed as he saw the title screen. He loved how Taehyung acted like a little kid.

His happiness was soon gone when he saw Taehyung place himself where he was on the couch at the beginning of the last movie. Oh. Had Taehyung not wanted to cuddle with him?

Taehyung noticed the mood change of his hyung. He didn't act on it, he wanted to see if Jimin would snap out of it. He did enjoy them cuddling, but he wasn't sure how Jimin felt about it. So he pressed play on the movie and tried to shake the feelings about Jimin away.

About 10 minutes in Taehyung heard an audible sniffle. He shook it off for Jimin being sick until a small whimper followed it. "Jiminie, what's wrong?" Taehyung looked up to see a crying and sniffling Jimin. He must have liked the snuggles after all.

Taehyung sighed and picked up the controller and his blanket once again and headed over to Jimin. He was a bit hesitant and settled for just sitting down next to him. He could feel Jimin staring and was taken by surprise when the older grabbed his waist and pulled Taehyung next to him as close as physically possible. He chuckled and ruffled Jimin's bleach blonde hair before settling into the couch and his hyung's embrace.

After Frosty the Snowman they watched Elf which made them both really happy. Taehyung could tell Jimin was feeling a bit sicker so he hung on tighter to him to make him feel comfortable and messed with his hair. Jimin smiled from all the sweet gestures and snuggled deeper into taetae.

By the time Elf was over Jimin was getting sleepy, so Taehyung put in Polar Express. It was more of a heartfelt and chill movie than the others. He joined Jimin back on the couch just as they were before. He also texted Hoseok to see if they were alright. It turned out their train got delayed so they wouldn't be back till the middle of the night.

Taehyung could feel himself getting sleepy, but the part with Santa was about to come on and he didn't want to miss it. Jimin was beginning to doze off as well.

"I love you Taehyungie." Jimin mumbled. Taehyung's heart beat faster even though he knew Jimin was just his hyung. It still made him happy to hear his hyungs (and Kookie) tell him they loved him.

"I love you too, Jiminie hyung." He looked down to see the warm eye smile of his elder before they both drifted off to sleep. Taehyung didn't care about the movie anymore.


Taehyung awoke the next morning early. He was assured by the things scattered around the living room that the hyungs arrived home safely. He realized that Jiminie hyung never went off to his own bed as he was still snuggled up against Tae.

Taehyung reached around and found his phone to see that he had a new message from Jungkook. Oh goodness. He opened up the photo of Jimin and Taehyung sleeping. The message along with the photo was:

Let It Snow ;)

A/N: How are you guys liking these so far? They are so fun to write omggg😊❤️ thank you for the votes and comments! We still have 20 more left!!

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