J Horses (hopekook)

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"So what's this early Christmas present you wanted to give me hyung?"
"It's not here, Jungkookie."
"Oh, so where do we have to go?"
"You'll see."

The younger followed Hoseok out to the car. Hoseok began pulling out of the driveway, but quickly put the car in park. He reached around to the backseat and came back with a blindfold. "You have to wear this Kookie."
"Uhh no thank you."
"Fine we just won't go then."
"Okay okay fine." Hoseok squealed as he wrapped the blindfold around Jungkook's head. "I'm scared, hyung."
"Maybe you should be."

Hoseok drove for what felt like hours to Jungkook, but was only about half an hour in reality. He pulled up to the building and got out of the car. "Wait there, I'll help you out Kookie-ah." Jungkook just sat and nodded. He heard his door open and felt Hoseok grab his arm and hand to help him out.

Jungkook heard what sounded like a whinny as they walked. The place also smelled like hay and manure. "Oh god." He mumbled. Hoseok smiled as he bowed to the woman that led them inside. "This..doesn't smell good." Jungkook said with some fear in his voice.

Hoseok let go of his arm and snuck behind him to untie the blindfold. Once it was off Jungkook's eyes took a bit to adjust to the new surroundings when suddenly they came into focus. Horses.

"Ta-da!" Hoseok yelled with a smile and walked over to the horses making weird noises at him. "Oh man you really are J-Horse." Jungkook said with his bunny smile and giggled. "You like them?"
"Well, I mean I really didn't need a horse for Christmas hyung."
"Oh no no they're not ours to keep."
"We get to ride them for the day. On a trail."
"Oh goodness."

The lady then interrupted their conversation. "Hello again Hoseok, and hello Jungkook it's nice to meet you. My name is Kim Ru-ri and I'm the owner of these stables. My 16 year old daughter is a huge fan of yours, but she isn't home today because she doesn't know you guys are here. It's probably a good thing."

Jungkook smiled and bowed to the woman. "What do we do first?" Jungkook asked.
"Follow me. We need to go to the tack locker." The two boys followed her down the barn to the rack locker, Hoseok stopping occasionally to make more weird noises at the horses on the way by.

"So today you two will be riding Luna and her brother Midnight. They're both Arabians, so be careful, they can get feisty." Hoseok looked at her with glowing eyes while Jungkook's stomach churned. He hadn't gone horseback riding in years.

"First things first you need a saddle pad." She handed the two boys the saddle pads for the horses. "And a saddle. I'll carry those out. Here's their stirrups. And here's their martingales, and bridles, and reins. They have on their winter boots already so that's taken care of." Jungkook was shaking under the weight of all the supplies while Hoseok carried it happily back out to the stable.

With the help of Ruri they tacked up the horses. Hoseok had Luna and Jungkook had Midnight. Ruri already had her horse Jewels tacked up. Jewels was a beautiful dapple grey Arabian. She was probably the prettiest horse at the stable.

"Alright boys try to get on." Ruri smirked. Jungkook stepped one foot into the stirrup and used the edge of the saddle to pull himself up. He sat up and immediately loved the view. He felt like a king. He looked down at Hoseok struggling. Ruri got him a step stool which made him pout. "You're silly." Jungkook laughed.

In less than five seconds Ruri was on her horse and ready to lead us out. "Alright, Jungkook follow me, but let me get a few lengths ahead first. Your guys' two horses are mostly used for trails and lessons so they should follow fine, we'll ride slow. Hoseok you take the end behind Jungkook." They nodded at her and made sure their helmets were on tight. They each had two GoPros on their helmets, one that looked forward and one that looked at their faces. BigHit was going to make a Bangtan bomb out of whatever footage they could of the day.

They headed out through the snow. It was so peaceful despite the cold and the horses had a bit longer hair to keep them warm. Jungkook was in paradise from the top of the horse. The ride was only going to last 2 hours, but he never wanted it to end.

Hoseok was also having the time of his life, but his horse was not. Luna would do a small buck here or there which sparked a bit of fear in him as to how the ride would go. He tried to focus on the happy bunny boy in front of him to keep his mind off the horse a bit.

"If any of your horses start lagging, squeeze your legs against them a bit and they'll go faster. That's their cue." Ruri called back to the boys. They hummed their replies and continued on the ride. Jungkook couldn't stop smiling.

They got about an hour in and turned around at the top of the hill to go back to the barn. "Alright guys lean back on the way down otherwise you'll fall off." Ruri told them before she started down the hill. Jungkook followed peacefully, but Luna would not budge.

"Come on Luna." Hoseok cooed. He stroked her mane and patted the side of her neck. Oh yeah! He squeezed his legs a bit and realized it was too hard. "Oh no." He choked as he felt Luna tense up. "No no no no noooo"

Luna took off into a run around the other two horses. Hoseok tried to do what he saw in horse racing movies and leaned forward with a death grip on the reins. It surprisingly worked.

"What do you call that?" Jungkook asked as him and Ruri casually trotted down the path.
"That's called wanting to get back to the barn. I'll be surprised if he's conscious when we get there."


They arrived to a Hoseok laying in a pile of snow. Jungkook laughed at the frown on his face. Luna was standing casually in the barn eating out of a feeding bag. Her mission was accomplished. "C-can w-we go h-home now?" Hoseok asked with a shiver. Jungkook nodded and helped him out of the snow while Ruri got them warm towels.

"It was nice meeting you Jungkook and seeing you again Hoseok. Have a Merry Christmas." Ruri smiled as the boys bowed and hurried back to the car.

Jungkook got in the drivers seat and laughed at Hoseok's horse pout all the way home.

A/N: I used to have horses omg this made me so emo

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