Snowball War (minjoon)

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Jimin and Namjoon had been planning this for weeks. They were going to get everyone out of the dorm for the day so they could have their annual snowball war that everyone else still hasn't found out about. Two of the physically strongest members of Bangtan fighting to the death. With snowballs.

So that afternoon Namjoon ushered everyone out, even Taehyung in his wheelchair, to go get dinner and see a movie while he worked on some music with Jimin. They needed no distractions. The members agreed and decided to leave at 4:00 that day to see the movie at 4:30.

Jimin and Namjoon smirked at each other as the other members exited the dorm. Jimin ran to his room and put on all of his outer gear. He raced back to the living room and found Namjoon already standing at the door. It was time.

They each took their stance on the battlefield which was their front yard. "Alright I'm setting up a timer. We have 20 minutes to make our forts." Namjoon said in a very serious tone. Jimin gave a short and sharp nod.

"1, 2, 3, go!" Namjoon yelled from across the yard and they both got busy building the forts. Jimin's was always better than Namjoon's because he was a perfectionist that could work fast. Namjoon on the other hand was...Namjoon.

The timer went off and they both dropped their snow. Jimin smirked at Namjoon's snow fort that was already falling apart. Jimin had finished his fort halfway through the timer and was secretly making a snowball stash...shh don't tell Namjoon.

"Alright Jimin. Are you ready?" Jimin narrowed his eyes and nodded. It was time for real this time. They both got into their positions behind their forts, waiting for the first hit. Who would it be this year? Jimin.

He threw a snowball so hard it made a dent in Namjoon's fort. This took his enemy by surprise, so Jimin used the moment to fire a few more at the fort, bringing it down in only a few hits. Namjoon looked angry as he began firing snowballs towards the fort.

Jimin was surprised by the sudden energy of Namjoon, but still managed to dodge every single one. They continued like this and Jimin was winning until he ran out of ready made snowballs. He was running out of snow around him as well, but didn't dare steal from the fort.

Namjoon saw this weakness and used it to his advantage. He grabbed as many snowballs from his stash and moved out from the fort towards Jimin's territory. Jimin looked around frantically for a solution, but ran out of time as he was pummeled with snowballs.

He tried to dodge each one, but got hit hard with a few. He rolled out from the fort and sprinted to the pine tree to make more snowballs. Jimin smirked as he realized his strategy worked and Namjoon retreated back to his fort to make more snowballs as well.

Jimin had made 15 and saw Namjoon still focused on making his so he snuck behind him from the tree. Once he was in a good position the snowballs started flying at Namjoon. "PARK JIMIN!" He screamed as he tried to dodge them, but failed miserably.

Jimin ran to miss the next round of enemy fire and headed back to his fort with the remaining snowballs. He started making more and the moment he looked down he felt a snowball hit him hard in the head. But it wasn't snow it was ice. He fell backwards onto his back in pain.

Namjoon kept throwing them not realizing the first one had ice in it and was glad Jimin wasn't fighting back. He was finally gonna beat him. He laughed to himself as he threw another ten or fifteen snowballs at his enemy. When he ran out he looked to see if Jimin was about to return the fire.

"Jiminiiiieee." He called. "Come out come out wherever you are." He stood up and looked around. Jimin wasn't behind any of the trees. Where did he go?

"Hyung." He heard a voice cry from across the yard. Oh no. Did he get hurt? Namjoon ran over to his fort and found the small Jimin splattered with snowballs and a little blood on his forehead.

"Oh no Jiminie!" He shouted and brushed the snow off of him. "Why am I so dumb?!" Namjoon shouted at himself.
"Hyung." Jimin said. Namjoon lifted up his head from the snow and got him into an almost sitting position. "I'll be okay Namjoonie. Let's just go inside." Jimin mumbled as he started sitting up.

"No no no. I'll carry you." Namjoon started to lift up the younger and Jimin shook his head but complied. "Pabo." He mumbled at Namjoon and rested his head on his chest.

Namjoon laid Jimin on the couch and ran to get the first aid kit. Jimin opened his eyes as he oriented himself again. He was quite dizzy. Namjoon came back and began cleaning up the small wound on Jimin's forehead.

"I'll be okay hyung let me do it."
"No. I did this. Let me take care of you." Jimin smiled and relaxed. It was nice to be cared for. He put a patch of gauze on his forehead and gave Jimin an ice pack. From there he took off Jimin's boots and jacket and got him a blanket.

"Thank you Namjoonie hyung." Jimin smiled.
"Anything for you Jiminie." Namjoon started to walk away, but was stopped by Jimin grabbing his wrist.

"Don't leave me out here hyung. Please stay, at least until Jungkookie gets back." Namjoon smiled at the younger and nodded his head. He grabbed his blanket and sat back down on the couch next to Jimin. It surprised him when Jimin rested his head on his lap. Namjoon played with his hair while watching tv.

"Since you injured me I get an automatic win right?"
"Aigoo I guess so."
"Or do you want a rematch?"
"That sounds like a good plan, but not until your head is better."



A/N: that's all for tonight! I'll write and publish the four ones I'm behind on tomorrow so I'm caught up for Christmas Eve! 😆

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