New Story!

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Hello everyone thank you for the support of these one shots! They were very fun to write and were a nice way to celebrate the holiday season! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!

As a Merry Christmas for all of you, I am posting a preview of my new story below. Compared to these fluffy one shots, this story has a lot of darker undertones. I put a trigger warning in the description for it. It's asylum au😮😮 i think you will all enjoy it very much. It's also a jikook fic btw😉😉❤

Also, if any of you would like to connect with me on social media here's my accs

Instagram: @ zoomedinpicturesofnamjoonsface
Twitter: @ ItsSimplyMegan or @ SlayedByYoongi
Kik: @ yoongislays
Phhhoto: @ megannconrad

Here's the preview


He shuffled towards the bathroom and pressed his ear against the door to hear light sobbing. If this were anyone else he would just walk away, but for some reason Jungkook was different. Jimin turned the door knob to see the younger boy vigorously trying to rip the multiple layers of stitches out of his wrist. Damnit Jungkook.

"Jungkook no!" Jimin raised his voice and raced over to him. Jungkook backed away and tried to push Jimin away from him. He just wanted to die so bad. "Jungkook!" Jimin fought against the grip on his wrists, but he didn't want to hurt him. "Jungkook stop! It's not going to work!" Jimin shouted. Jungkook dropped his arms and looked up at him with tired eyes that were glossy with tears. Jimin looked into the dark brown orbs of his eyes and saw not one glimmer of happiness or hope. All he saw was darkness and anger and sadness.

Jimin doesn't know why he did it, but he wrapped his arms around the younger's torso. Jungkook was startled, but soon gave in and wrapped his arms around Jimin so tight he thought he'd break him. He released more sobs into the crook of Jimin's neck before falling to the floor and taking him along. Jimin grabbed onto him and buried his face in his hair while Jungkook cried into his chest.

"It'll be alright Jungkook. I'm here for you."



Read more tomorrow!

Read more tomorrow!

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