Suga Fix (sugakookie)

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Suga was jumping up and down on Jungkook's bed.



Jungkook was trying to sleep. It was only about 8 am. Suga didn't care.

"Lets go somewhere just you and me!"
"Because we never spend much time together!"
"Why does that matter to you hyung?" Yoongi quit jumping and sank down to his knees on Jungkook's bed.

"Why are you so grumpy these days, Kookie?"
"I'm sorry, hyung. What do you want to do today?" Yoongi perked up a bit. "Well I thought we'd start with a walk through the park." Yoongi smiled widely at the younger. Jungkook nodded his head and smiled out of confusion. Why was Suga hyung acting so different?

Jungkook threw on some skinny jeans and a hoodie with his puma coat and timberlands and met Yoongi at the front door. Yoongi had on his long black puma coat and a black beanie as well as black skinny jeans and boots. "Are you ready, Kookie?" Jungkook nodded as they walked out the door.

The air outside was frigid and the longer they walked the more Jungkook wished he would have worn gloves and a scarf like Yoongi did. His hyung could tell that Jungkook was cold, so he reached up and tried to grab his hand. Jungkook pulled away and looked at him in confusion. All Yoongi could do was look down as his face reddened. He smiled when he felt Jungkook intertwine their hands.

The park was beautiful from the recent snowfall. All the trees were glistening with white and had beautiful icicles hanging down. Yoongi let go of Jungkook's hand and ran forward to dust off a bench so they could sit down. Jungkook smiled fondly at him as Yoongi patted the space next to him on the bench.

"So, Jungkookie. Talk to me."
"About what?"
"Life. How are you doing? We haven't chatted much lately." Jungkook looked down at his lap and played with the sleeves of his coat. Life was great, he was just struggling with work.

"What? Oh sorry."
"You were spacing off. What are you thinking about?"
"Is that what's troubling you lately? You haven't been our bright little maknae." Jungkook nodded and felt tears in his eyes.

"Heyy don't cry now it's okay. I understand Jungkookie-ah." Yoongi said and looked over at the younger. He held his face in his hands. Yoongi hesitantly pulled his hands away and held onto them. Jungkook looked at him in confusion with tears freezing on his face. Yoongi let his hands go and wrapped his arms around the younger. Jungkook sobbed softly into his shoulder for a couple minutes before pulling away.

Yoongi raised his chin so Jungkook was looking at him. "You know your hyungs are always here for you right? If you're having issues or you're tired, just tell me or any of us. I will always be here for you Jungkookie." Yoongi smiled and so did Jungkook. The younger then wrapped his small hyung in a big hug.

"Alright now Kookie lets go have fun today!"

"Where are we going first hyung?"
"The candy shop!" Yoongi exclaimed with a wide smile. Jungkook let himself be dragged through the streets by Yoongi all the way to the candy shop. He hasn't seen Yoongi so excited about something in a long time.

They entered the candy shop and Jungkook was amazed. Not just by the varieties of candies that lined every wall and a display case of chocolate, but by how quickly his hyung pounced at it all.

Before Jungkook could wrap his mind around all the candy Yoongi had already filled two big bags with just about everything.

"Jungkook! Do you want one of these big lollipops?!"
"I uh-"
"Okay good me too!"

Jungkook watched his hyung in amazement. He never realized how much Yoongi loves candy. Yoongi ran up to the counter and asked the man for a box of dark chocolate truffles. The man then weighed all of his candies and chocolates. Jungkook walked over to his hyung to see how much it would be. "That'll be ₩100,500." Jungkook's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Yoongi handed him the money without even blinking and they headed out of the store.

"You do realize how much you spent on candy right hyung?" Jungkook asked as they walked down the sidewalk. Yoongi smiled widely and nodded his head. Jungkook rolled his eyes and let himself be dragged into the next store by Yoongi hyung.

"I need a new sweater." Yoongi mumbled as they headed into a Gucci store.
"Hyung all you wear is sweaters. I swear you have hundreds."
"Yeah so what's a hundred more?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi with shock and confusion. What has gotten into him.

After following him through the store for awhile Jungkook started getting tired. His legs were aching, but Yoongi wasn't close to giving up yet. "Hey hyung."
"Yes, Kookie?" Yoongi turned around with his arms full of clothes.
"I think I'm gonna find a place to sit."
"Are you tired? Do we need to go?"
"No! It's okay just come and get me when you're done." Yoongi nodded and Jungkook went to sit down. Before he knew it he had dozed off.


"Yah! Kookie!" Jungkook awoke to Yoongi shouting in his face. "Aish, sorry hyung."
"It's fine! Here's your stuff! I know how down you've been lately, and I also know how much you love clothes, so here you go!" Yoongi grinned and handed him over 6 bags of clothing.

"H-hyung." Jungkook stuttered in awe as he peeked into the bags. Everything looked good and fit his style perfectly. Jungkook could feel his eyes watering. "Ahh, Kookie. No need to cry. You're welcome." Jungkook wiped the tears as Yoongi patted his back.

"Come on Jungkookie. It's dinner time."
"Haha, it's 6:00 at night."
"You shopped in here for 6 hours?!"
"Yah! It has two levels!"

They walked out of the store and headed to a nice ramen cafe. "Dinner is on me." Jungkook said through the slurping of noodles. "No no no. This is all my treat." Yoongi gave him a light smile. Jungkook just shook his head and continued eating.

After they left the restaurant they decided it was time to return home. It was very cold out and snow flurries were starting to fall.

"Why did you do all of this for me hyung?"
"Because I noticed your stress lately and I wanted to help you." Jungkook smiled at the older and hummed in response.

"Besides, once in awhile everyone needs a Suga fix."

Now begins the writing frenzy! Christmas is this weekend I gotta get going!!

Thank you all for your patience and understanding as I try to write all of these in the midst of many hospital appointments!

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