Reindeer (taekook)

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Since Taehyung and Jungkook were trainees they made sure everywhere they went to the Christmas festival in a small village outside of Seoul. They always had a pretty tree lighting ceremony, a parade, and lots and lots of hot chocolate! It is something the two boys looked forward to each year, so Taehyung was very excited when the day finally arrived.

Jungkook got up around 8 and saw that Taehyung was the only other one up. He was dressed and cleaned up and ready for their adventure of the day. Jungkook on the other hand was not. He was a mess and not very excited for the day. He'd been struggling a lot with keeping up with work even on their days off. He'd been in pain in his knees and hips for weeks, but he pushed through with a smile on his face. He didn't want his hyungs to know of his struggles.

"GOOD MORNING JUNGKOOKIE!" Taehyung yelled as he noticed him enter the living room.
"Shhhhh! The hyungs are asleep!" Jungkook whisper yelled.
"Well, one isn't for sure now." Hoseok said as he shuffled lazily down the hallway to glare at Taehyung.
"I'm sorry Hobi hyung." Taehyung cooed at the older.
"It's fine, it's time to get up anyway." Hoseok smiled warmly and got some cereal down from the cupboard in the kitchen.

Taehyung turns his attention back to the exhausted looking Jungkook. "Jungkookie-ah."
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"Are you alright?" Taehyung questioned, looking quizzically at the younger. Jungkook plastered a smile on his face. "Yeah I'm fine just sleepy." Jungkook said forcefully.
"Well get hype because we got a big day ahead of us Kookie!" Taehyung shouted and ruffled Jungkook's hair. Jungkook smiled, but was really not quite as excited as his hyung.

Jungkook slowly got ready. His body ached a bit at simple movements. The last few weeks were really taking a toll on them. They only have a little time off before their tour preparation and Jungkook is exhausted. He lazily throws on a dark maroon sweater with some skinny jeans and timberlands before going back out to the living room.

"Are you ready Jungkookie-ah? You look so handsome!" Taehyung shouts. Jungkook smiles a bit and nods his head. Taehyung notices the demeanor of Jungkook changing, but he lets it go hoping that he'll cheer up at the village. They're taking the train there. It's a lot more fun than driving.

*time skip brought to you by jimins lack of jams*

The train left the station and Taehyung was practically bouncing out of his seat while Jungkook leaned on the window beside him. He still look exhausted. Taehyung could see through the minimal amount of makeup.

"Kookie, what's wrong?" Taehyung asks after a bit. He sees Jungkook take a shaky breath in before forcing on a smile. "Nothing Taehyungie. I'm excited." He went back to dully stare out the window. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and started playing with his fingers which made the younger tense up.

"I know there's something wrong Kookie-ah." Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear. The younger boy looked down at their intertwined hands and could feel a few tears start to roll out. "Kookie!" Taehyung raised his voice a bit and wrapped Jungkook in a big hug.

"I'm sorry hyung. I'm just not doing so well lately. My dancing is off because I'm in so much pain. The pain makes me focus less and I'm so exhausted. I'm sorry." Jungkook choked.

Taehyung just held the younger closer to him and stroked his hair. "It's okay Jungkookie. It'll get better soon and we're going to have a great time today." Taehyung looked down and saw Jungkook smile a bit. Taehyung had made him feel better.

They arrived shortly after to the village. It looked like something straight out of a Christmas movie. Decorations, shoppers, carolers, and everything else was festive. Everyone was bundled up and were full of holiday spirit. Taehyung was happy to see how captivated Jungkook became from everything just as he does every year. It made his heart warm.

They started out by getting some hot chocolate to go so they could drink it as they walked through the cold. People wished them Merry Christmas wherever they went and they saw fans too of course. Fans could tell they were having a great time so many would just tell them hello and wish them well before going on their way again. The two boys were ecstatic.

Next was some shopping. It was one of their favorite things about the festival. They started at an outerwear shop where Taehyung tried on silly hats and made Jungkook laugh. It was music to his ears.

"Hyung,  you look so good yet so silly. You should get that one!" Jungkook chuckled. Taehyung was wearing a fluffy bear hat and it made him look so adorable. Taehyung agreed and bought the hat as well as getting Jungkook a matching one in a different color. They wore those around for the rest of the day.

They went into many other stores. Some held knick knacks, antiques, clothes, decorative stuff, and everything else you could imagine. They decided their hats were the best purchase of the day and didn't buy anything else except for a teddy bear stuffed animal that Tae couldn't live without.

Now it was finally time for the tree lighting ceremony that would be followed by a parade and Santas arrival. "I'm so excited hyung." Jungkook said and smiled at Taehyung. They were standing on the sidewalk because they didn't get a spot on the curb of the street to sit. Jungkook could feel the pain getting worse in his knees and when he shifted his weight he let out a tiny whimper that of course Taehyung could catch.

Taehyung kneeled down in front of Jungkook. "Get on my back Kookie."
"No! I'll be alright I don't want you to get hurt."
"Do it or we're leaving." Taehyung threatened. Jungkook sighed and awkwardly hopped onto Taehyung's back. The pain in his knees faded to more of a dull ache. Taehyung heard him sigh in relief.

A few minutes later the tree was lit by the mayor and everyone cheered as the beautiful Christmas floats made their way down the street. Christmas music filled the air and Taehyung laughed as he listened to Jungkook sing along. This had turned out to be a great day after all.

It was time for the moment everyone anticipated. SANTA! "Hyung look there's the sleigh and its being pulled by reindeer!" Jungkook shouted. Taehyung perked his head up more to see eight big reindeer pulling the Santa on his sleigh. That's when he started to run.

"HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jungkook screamed over the music.
"REINDEEEEER!" Taehyung screamed as a reply. He ran all the way down the sidewalk to meet the sleigh at the end of the parade. Jungkook was panting and he wasn't even the one running. He knows for sure fans probably got videos of that.

"Santa!!" Taehyung shouted and set me onto the ground. He jogged to the sleigh. Damnit Tae. I had to follow. "Ho ho ho hello there!" Taehyung was in awe. Jungkook was questioning whether he knew Santa wasn't real or not.

"Santa omg hi I'm Kim Taehyung you're so cool."
"I knew you were Taehyung! I thought you looked familiar. You're on a lot of girls' Christmas lists." Taehyung kinda chuckled. "You wanna pet the reindeer don't you kid? And your buddy Jungkook wants to too, doesn't he?" The boys nodded furiously. Santa motioned for them to go for it.

Taehyung raced over there and said hello to each one. Jungkook followed suit and then took a few steps back to watch Taehyung freak out over the reindeer and tell them how cute they are even though they don't understand.

Who knew Taehyungie could spend so much time talking to a reindeer.

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