Midnight Snow (yoonmin)

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Jimin watched as Yoongi feverishly typed on his laptop. They had been working on a song Jimin had thought of in the dark studio all day. The other members have popped in and out and Namjoon stayed for awhile to help, but got tired and went to bed.

"Aren't you tired hyung?" Jimin asked which got no reply. "Fine I'm going to get some apple juice." Jimin said before storming out of the studio. He wasn't really mad at Yoongi, he just didn't want him to overwork himself. Yoongi was really good at doing that when it came to writing and producing music.

Jimin drank his glass of juice while looking out the window. He hummed the melody they had been working on all day. His humming was cut off by the snowflakes beginning to fall outside. His eyes widened with excitement at the fresh layer of snow beginning to form and he ran back to the studio.

"Hyung! It's snowing!" Jimin yelled as he entered the small room. Yoongi didn't even look up.
"Isn't there already snow?" He finally mumbled the question.
"Well yeah duh, but this is fresh snow! Come outside with me! We've been in here all day." Jimin frowned. Yoongi once again didn't reply.

"I'll come outside with you in a little bit. Just stay here for now and help me."
"Help with what?"
"Your song." Yoongi glared at Jimin's attitude. Jimin sighed and plopped down in the chair next to him.

Yoongi didn't say anything and continued typing which left Jimin confused. "I thought you wanted my help?"
"Not yet."
"Well then can I-"

Jimin sat there fiddling with some pencils while Yoongi continued to type on the laptop and play little audio clips of music. He was acting as if Jimin wasn't even there. Jimin eventually left the pencils alone and just studied his hyung. His eyes were concentrated, but layered with bags. His hair was messy from what Jimin could tell under the beanie. He looked frustrated and exhausted as the cursor clicked around the screen. Jimin had to look away. He hated seeing Yoongi work himself like this. His eyes were getting heavy and he fell asleep to the typing and clicking of the laptop.


"Jiiiimiiiin." Yoongi cooed. "Jiminiiieeee." He called again. "Yah! Jimin!" He hit him on the head with a newspaper.
"Aish! Hyung!"
"Lets go." Jimin opened his eyes wider to see Yoongi bundled in a winter coat, scarf, mittens and boots. "Hyung, what are we doing?"
"Go get on your outside stuff."
"Well a snowman can't build itself." Yoongi sighed and smirked down at the younger. Jimin's eyes widened in realization and he raced out of the studio to grab all of his stuff. He met Yoongi in the doorway to go outside.

"You ready?"

They ran out into the snow that was still falling down in the night sky. Jimin was laughing and weaving himself between the trees while Yoongi jogged after him. He smiled at Jimin's excitement and longed for the days where snow  riled him up this much.

"Come on hyung lets build a snowman!" Jimin shouted as he began rolling a snowball on the ground. Yoongi laughed and shook his head as he started on the other snowball. "Isn't this fun?!" Jimin yelled to Yoongi.
"Yes, it really is." He flashed Jimin a cute gummy smile.
"Yah! Why do you have to be so cute Yoongi hyung?" Jimin questioned while Suga laughed.

Yoongi was starting to get tired as he watched the younger perfect the snowman. Where does he get all that energy? Jimin looked frustrated with how it was turning out and Suga knew just the thing to lighten the mood. He trudged through the snow a few feet away from him and made a few snowballs. When he was ready he took one and threw it at Jimin.

Jimin spun around looking for where the snowball came from. He couldn't find Yoongi. Little did he know that his hyung had built a fort. All of a sudden another ball came out from the darkness and Jimin followed it to the fort.

Yoongi ran as fast as he's ever run out from the fort as Jimin chased him. Finally Jimin slowed him down enough to hit him with a snowball right on the cheek. "You little shit!" Yoongi shouted as he chased the younger.

They continued throwing snowballs at each other for what felt like hours until Yoongi couldn't run anymore. Jimin was still full of energy, but remembered how hard his hyung had been working all day and night.

What did surprise him was when Yoongi plopped down in a pile of snow. Jimin walked over and stared at him for a bit until he said "Come join me Jiminie." Jimin smiled and plopped down next to him. "Lets make some snow angels." Yoongi said. Jimin laughed and they both started making snow angels beautifully in the snow.

"This has been so much fun." Yoongi whispered.

"It really has." Jimin said with an eye smile.

"What time is it Jiminie?" Jimin took his phone from his pocket and unlocked it looking at the picture of him and his Suga hyung as his home screen.


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